Chapter 2

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"You're glowing," Harry commented as he and Jackie stepped into the car waiting outside of Nottingham Cottage.

"Oh, please," Jackie scoffed with a smile. She and Harry were on their way to the unveiling of Jackie's first official portrait. It had been done by the same artist who had painted Kate's official portrait, which had been revealed earlier that month, Paul Emsley. Jackie had sat for him a few times as he snapped photos of her face from every angle, making a few sketches, but the painting was to be based on a photo taken of Jackie in October, leaving against the wall of Nottingham Cottage, wearing the white dress Harry bought her for her first garden party, her blonde hair pulled back. Jackie loved the picture of herself, and was excited to see the painting. It was eerie to think that it would most likely hang in the halls of a museum long after her death.

"I can't wait to see it," Harry said, holding Jackie's hand in his as the car pulled into the streets of London and towards the National Portrait Gallery. The unveiling was to be attended by only a few notable members of the art world, Jackie, Harry, Kate, and Will.

"Neither can I. I hope he made my nose just a bit smaller than in real life," Jackie said with a smile.

"You have a perfect nose," Harry insisted.

Jackie laughed. "Stop sucking up to me."

"I'm not!" Harry said with mock hurt. Jackie could tell that ever since she had found out she was pregnant Harry had been especially nice to her, and she liked to tease him every now and then.

The car pulled up to the curb, Harry stepping out first, Jackie right behind him. She had worn a tighter dress for the first time in two months, boat-necked, navy blue, falling just above her knees. The press would be going mad, snapping pictures of the first official appearance of the royal baby bump as Jackie and Harry walked up to the door of the National Portrait Gallery, being greeted by the director and artist, Paul Emsley.

"Good to see you again," Jackie greeted, giving Paul a warm hug.

"I'm delighted for you to see it, Your Highness. I hope you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will," Jackie assured him. "Catherine's was absolutely lovely."

Jackie and Harry walked into the gallery hand-in-hand, taking a brief tour of the gallery and examining the countless other portraits while guests and members of the press mulled about. Will and Kate arrived shortly after, exchanging hugs.

"I can't wait," Kate gushed. "Did you know they're hanging ours next to each other?"

"No! How sweet."

The royal couples viewed more of the artwork in the gallery, Jackie and Kate stopping to admire a Renaissance-Era painting of two women and a handful of children, dressed in luxurious attire, lounging on chaises and smiling coyly. "We need to get one like this done together," Jackie said, imagining her and Kate in the spots of the women in the painting, their own children at their feet.

"That would be hilarious."

After a few more minutes, the guests were summoned to Room 37 on the ground floor, where a frame draped in a red cloth hung on the wall, right next to Kate's portrait. Paul Emsley made a short speech, thanking Jackie for choosing him to paint her, and saying that he hoped the portrait captured her "wittiness, stunning beauty, and kind soul".

Jackie beamed at his kind description of her, touched. After a bit more speaking, the cloth was pulled from the painting. There were oohs and ahhs and applause as the press snapped away at the wonderful painting. It was big, lifelike, and beautiful. Jackie's blue eyes shone against her pale complexion, her mouth in a relaxed smile, hanging slightly open like she was going to say something. Even Jackie had to admit she looked stunning, a few stands of blonde hair framing her face, which looked soft and kind. The painting was incredibly detailed, including every mole and freckle, but somehow had a dream-like look to it.

"It's beautiful, Jackie, really beautiful," Harry said with a grin, giving Jackie a peck. She and Harry went up to Paul Emsley, shaking his hand and telling him how wonderful it was. Kate and Will joined them, complimenting Jackie's portrait.

"She looks like an angel," said Kate with a genuine smile. "Well done."

Jackie was pleased to see that the press seemed to love the portrait, asking Jackie if she would stand next to it for a few shots. She obliged, and Kate eventually stood in front of her adjacent portrait, posing with Jackie.

After admiring the painting for a while longer, Jackie, Harry, Kate, and Will departed together, going out to lunch at Restaurant Story in Bermondsey, a short drive from the Portrait Gallery.

Over a 3 course meal and carbonated water, they chatted about their schedules for the next week, everyone having at least 6 engagements. "I can't wait to slow down a bit and focus on the baby," Kate said thoughtfully.

"Neither can I. It'll be so nice not having to get ready every day," Jackie agreed.

"Have you two put any thought into a nanny?" William asked.

Jackie and Harry looked at each other, shaking their heads. "No, I didn't even think of that," Jackie admitted.

"It's strange, isn't it? My mother did it all herself," Kate mused.

"I can't even imagine. My mum hardly even hired babysitter for the evening, she stayed home with me until I went to school." Jackie frowned. "I guess that's impossible for us."

"It's not that bad," said Harry. "Our mother had a good balance with the nanny, don't you think, Will?"

Will nodded. "I think so. We actually had a fairly normal childhood."

Jackie and Kate both looked skeptical but were silent. Jackie knew that Diana had taken the boys to McDonald's and amusement parks to give them a taste of the normal world, but how normal could it be to grow up in a palace? Jackie felt a sudden realization that she hadn't put much thought into how exactly she was going to give her child a normal childhood- she couldn't imagine it would be good for a child to grow up in a bubble, being treated as a prince or princess, addressed as 'Your Highness', with every need met with a 'yes sir' or 'yes ma'am'.

Jackie smiled as she thought to herself, It's too bad they don't have a 'What to Expect When You're Expecting: Royal Edition'.


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