Chapter 11

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'Harry and Jackie's First Tour Comes to a Close'

'They came, they saw, and they gave Canadians and Americans an up-close view of the glamorous royal life usually seen from afar.'

'The Duke and Duchess of Windsor captivated the crowds at every stop of their whirlwind Canadian-U.S. visit that concluded Tuesday night with a glitzy gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The royal couple then boarded an overnight flight to London, where they will take a well-deserved rest preceding the birth of their first child this summer.'

'Jackie did not disappoint, appearing in a Jenny Peckham gown she has worn previously, and could be seen caressing a slight baby bump. Her first child is due at the beginning of August- just about a week after her sister in law and friend, Kate Middleton, is due to give birth to her first child. The royal babies are best friends in the making!'

'While in the final leg of their tour in New York City, the Duke and Duchess were able to stay in the comfort of their home away from home, the luxurious 5th Ave apartment that formerly belonged to Jackie Kennedy Onassis.'

'The couple paid their respects to the thousands killed in the September 11th terrorist attacks at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Sixty-seven of the victims were from Great Britain, the most from any country outside the United States.'

'While her husband held an umbrella above her, Duchess Jackie laid flowers and a hand-written note at one of the reflecting pools outside the museum.'

'On Monday, Prince Harry took a solo trip to the top of one of the most iconic buildings in the Big Apple: The Empire State Building, which previously had been lit up in Union Jack colors in honor of the royal arrival.'

'While Harry got a bird's eye view of the city, Jackie spent a few hours shopping- with the Obamas! Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama got some quality time with the pregnant Duchess while perusing various baby boutiques in the high-class Upper East Side.'

'Monday ended with the Duke and Duchess holding court at a Brooklyn Nets basketball game and a much-anticipated meeting with the royal couple of the music industry, Jay Z and Beyonce.'

'When the infamous "Kiss Cam" zeroed in on the royal couple sitting court-side, it was Harry who made the first move, giving his pregnant wife a quick smooch.'

'The royal pair ended their trip with a black-tie event that served as a fundraiser for the University of St. Andrews. About 20 percent of the students at the campus are American. The school is also the site where Jackie Baker met Kate Middleton and Prince William, through whom she would be introduced to Prince Harry, and the royal romance blossomed.'

'Now that Jackie, as well as sister in law Kate Middleton, are about to enter their third trimesters, their public appearances will grow less frequent, but the baby watch is bound to heat up. Press coverage of the "Duchess Duo" has begun to rival the paparazzi frenzy that plagued their mother in law, Princess Diana. (Paparazzi following Kate Middleton nearly shut down a grocery store in London, and the swarm around Jackie Baker caused a traffic jam on NYC's 5th Avenue). Whether or not Buckingham Palace will crack down on privacy measures is unknown, but we at the Daily Mail wish Jackie and Kate a happy and relaxing few months before their lives change forever.'


"My mother had this beautiful china, it had little flowers all over the edges of the plates and tea cups. I'd like to find some like that, for casual use."

"Do you know where she got it?" Elizabeth asked, scribbling something down on her clipboard.

"I can't really remember, I think a department store in London. Of course it doesn't have to be exact, but something like it," said Jackie, a bit distracted as she slung her new Chanel purse over her shoulder and fumbled around for some sunglasses.

"I'll keep an eye out for them," Elizabeth concluded. "Is there anything else?"

Jackie shook her head. "Thank you for all your help with the tour, I really couldn't have done it without you."

Jackie's lady in waiting gave her a sly smile. "Of course you couldn't have, but it's my pleasure."

With a laugh and a shake of her head, Jackie walked Elizabeth to the door of Nottingham Cottage, her and Harry's temporary home on the grounds of Kensington Palace. Soon, they would be moving to York Cottage, a beautiful mansion on Sandringham Estate, the royal family's favored Christmas getaway. It had most recently been used as office space for the Queen's staff, and Jackie had put quite a bit of time and effort into making it a wonderful place to raise a family. It was just down a small gravel road from Will and Kate's fixer-upper-mansion, Anmer Hall. Elizabeth was helping Jackie get the finishing touches for her and Harry's family home, such as the china and the drapes.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, for the briefing on the nursery school visit?" Jackie called from the doorway of Nottingham Cottage as Elizabeth crossed over the gravel drive towards Kensington Palace, where she had an office.

Elizabeth nodded. "That's right. I'll see you then."

Jackie had only closed the door for a brief second when it reopened. She turned to see Harry coming in, looking a bit sweaty, with Rupert, their black labrador retriever, on his heels. Jackie greeted Harry and Rupert both with a kiss. "Did you have a good run?"

"Not too bad, Rupert gave up on me about halfway through," Harry scolded, giving Rupert a playful push. He seemed to notice Jackie's sunglasses and purse. "Where're you off to?"

"Waitrose, I was going to pick up a couple of steaks to make for dinner. Since it's so nice I asked one of the butlers to drag a grill over from the supply shed, I figured we could have a little cookout."

Harry flopped down on the couch in the sitting room. "Why don't you ask one of the butlers to go get the steaks, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"I don't mind running out for a few groceries," Jackie insisted with a frown.

Harry seemed to be contemplating something in his head. "Maybe you shouldn't be going out as much. James," he said, referring to his personal protection officer, "was telling me it's an absolute freak show outside today. All the tabloids are after you and Kate."

"Chris will be going with me," Jackie said, referring to her own PPO. "And I've dealt with them before. And I hope you aren't implying I'll be caged up in here for the next three months."

"Of course not," Harry insisted. "I just think you should limit how often you go out, it can be dangerous, with all the pushing, and the cars."

Jackie's mind flashed to Diana, literally hounded to death in a dark Paris tunnel. She gave Harry a reassuring smile. "I'll be careful, I promise you."


Sorry for the delay! Please keep it up with the great suggestions ❤️

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