Chapter 21~ We Landed

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Chapter 21~ We Landed

Carrie's POV

There's bad weather in the area but our pilot said its clearing up. I'm so glad. It's been a rough and bumpy flight, I'm so glad brads with me.

I'm holding on to Brad's arm the whole time. I've been a ton of airplanes in my life (well after American idol I did) but I've never been this afraid before.

Once we land I run out of the airplane.

Carrie: Hey brad, when it's time to go back home, we're driving.

He laughs and grabs my hand and we start waking towards the baggage claim.

It takes forever for my bag to get here, me and brad are the only one's still waiting.

Brad: Carrie, what's taking so long?

Carrie: Ughhh I don't know.

Brad: I'll be right back.

He gets up and starts walking around the airport. I'm still waiting.

15 minutes later it finally gets here, and brad starts to walk back.

Carrie: Whatcha got?

I look in his hands and he got frozen yogurt.

Brad: Sorry the line was long.

Carrie: Aww. It's fine! Thank you.

I kiss him then we leave the airport.

I look outside and there's snow everywhere. It's so pretty.

Brad: It's beautiful, just like you.

That was like the cheesiest joke I've ever hear but I know he meant it.

Carrie: Aww, I love you brad.

We walk to the rental car place which is right next to the airport. I get my credit card out to pay for the car but brad stops me.

Brad: Don't worry carrie, I got it.

Carrie: Brad! You don't need to! I can easily get it.

Brad: No carrie, it's fine I got it.

I sigh then out my credit card back into my wallet. We get our car an start to walk towards it. Brad opens my door and we drive to our hotel.

Carrie: So, we're are we staying?

Brad: Only the nicest hotel in Denver.

Carrie: BRAD! You really don't need to do all of this for me!

Brad smiles then focuses on the road. I'm so exhausted. I start to snooze.

In 15 minutes we are here.

Brad: Wake up carrie.

My eyes somehow find themself to open.

Carrie: Ooh.. Hi brad.. Are we here?

Brad: Yes we are.

He quickly runs out of the car and opens my door. I love this man so much.

We walk up to our room which is really cute and pretty and perfect. Brad is so amazing for making this happen.

Carrie: I wanna sleep right now. Can we do something later?

Brad: Sure.

We lay into bed together and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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