Chapter 13~ BreakFast

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Chapter 13~

Brad's POV

I hear an alarm go off. I look behind me. It's the toaster.

I run towards the toaster and the toast pops out. I left it in too long! The toast is completely black and there's smoke coming from it.

The smoke alarms start to go off. The sound is blaring in my ear. I run over to the alarm system and turn it off. Finally, quiet.

Carrie: Good one brad.

She laughs.

Brad: Well you would have probably forgotten... Whatever. Do you still want breakfast?

Carrie: Sure, it's the most important meal of the day. This time, I'll put the toast in the toaster.

I sit on the couch. A few minutes later the toast is done.

Carrie: Here you go! Perfectly toasted.

She giggles. Whenever she laughs like that it makes me smile.

Brad: Carrie, I'm so glad I meet you. Your the best girlfriend anyone could have.

She blushes a little. She kisses me then gets up.

Carrie: I'm going to get home to check on the dogs. I'll pick you up before the show.

Brad: See you later carrie.

Carrie's POV

I stop at the pet store to get some dog food. I get a ton of dog biscuits and treats. I get puppy chow for the three puppies.

Once I walk in all 6 dogs run over to me and start jumping on me. Well everyone expect Michelle. If she jumps on me she would jump me over. She's such a smart dog to know not to do that to me.

I get out the food and put it in their bowls. They chow down on the food.

Carrie: Woh guys! You eat like you've never seen food before.

I sit on the couch. The three puppies sit on top of me and lay down. Ace, Penny, and Michelle start to play with each other.

I turn on the radio to see what's on. There's a big country blowout on the country channel for tonight. And guess who was on right now...


I keep thinking about him... I can't believe he's my boyfriend. I must be the luckiest girl alive.

Brad told me tonight that we shouldn't announce that we're dating. It would cause a bunch of commotion and we would get no privacy anymore. There would be some weird nickname for the two of us... I think of names with us too in it.. Barrie? No. Crad? No that's weird. Paisleywood? Hmm... It has a nice ring to it.

A few hours pass and I'm in my dress for tonight. I get in my car and drive over to Brad's house.

I ring on the doorbell and wait. I wait about 5 minutes... No answer.

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