Chapter 3~ The CMA Awards

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Chapter 3~

We rehearse for 30 more minutes then we get ready for the show. I get into my dress then the doors open. The crowd start to flow into the stadium.

Brad: You ready for the big show?

Carrie: Can't wait!

*30 minutes later*

Carrie: Well everyone's here you ready to go out?

Brad: Yes, let's go.

The doors open leading us on stage. Me and Brad walk out. The crowd goes wild!

Me and Brad start to say and do everything we rehearsed. We crack jokes, make fun of each other and other artist, and we are laughing the whole time. We even do the Gangnam Style dance.

It's time for me too go on stage and sing now. I'm singing Blown Away from my new album.

Carrie (sings): Dry lighting cracks across the skies. Those storm clouds gather in her eyes.

A few minutes later I finish the song.

I run backstage where Brad is and he gives me a huge hug!

Brad: You were amazing!

Carrie: Thank you so much:)

Brad: You did a great job hosting too! You acted like you've known me for years, but we really just meet.

We walk back on stage to host some more.

We do what we've been doing for the past hour. Hosting kinda stuff.

I can't stop thinking about Brad asking me out though. I keep wondering why he asked me out. We knew each other for a few hours and he already asked me out. I so glad he did though. He's so cute. :)

I've been having so much fun with brad I totally forgot millions of people are watching.

Then right that second I here a loud alarm. I look across the stadium and I see flames.

Author's Notes: sorry that this chapter is so short. I wanted to leave you all waiting for the next chapter:) Will post more later!

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