Chapter 5~ What Really Happened

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Chapter 5~

Carrie's POV

Carrie: Hello?

Hunter: Hey carrie it's Hunter! Are you ok? Did anything bad happen to you from the fire?

Carrie: No I'm fine, thanks for calling. Did you know what happened.

Hunter: Yah, I just got the news. 10 people snuck into the stadium to steal some merchandise and sell them to make some money. A police noticed them so they ran around the stadium to avoid the cops. The fire started because they had matched and started fires wherever they where. They wanted to cause as much damage as possible before the got caught. They all got caught and arrested luckily. And no one was hurt.

Carrie: Why would someone do such a thing? At least everyone's ok. We gotta do something to make it up to all the people who came to the show.

Hunter: Yah we probably will, I don't know when or what though. Will call you soon!

Carrie: Ok, call you later! Bye!

I explain what happened to Brad. Once I finish we are at my house.

Brad opens my door for me and we walk into my house. Of course Ace & Penny run up to him, barking and jumping on him.

Carrie: Ace! Penny! Cut it out!

Brad: Haha! It's ok! I love animals!

Carrie: Me too:)

We both sit on the couch and stay silent for a few seconds. I really don't want Brad to go home so I don't mention it.

Carrie: Wanna do something here? We can watch a movie or tv. Or anything.

Brad: I don't really care... Whatever you want:)

I turn on the T.V. Since the CMA Awards ended early The Walking Dead was on. I turn that on.

Me and Brad are sitting at least a foot apart. Like I said before it would be awkward for me to lean on him.

Then I hear I bark. I look at Ace & Penny. It's not coming from them. It's coming from...outside.

Author's Notes: Hope y'all like the fanfic so far! When I had to come up with something that made the fire start my mind went totally blank. I just put this even though it sounds weird so whatever. :)


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