We'll miss you

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        Both kids are 3 months old
   *Y/N'S POV*

I set Andy and Emma in their cribs, I looked at Andy's e/c eyes and smiled. It was true, he did look a lot like me. Emma and Sean were no different.  Emma had bright, blue eyes and dark, brown hair.
"Y/N!! Come down here! can you bring the twins??!?!??!?!??!" He shouted, very loudly.
I walked down stairs carrying the twins, with Emma's bright, blue eyes staring up at me.  Andy was curled up, asleep in my arm.
Mark and Sean were sitting on the couch smiling at me as I approached them.
"What? I was just going to put the twins in there cribs."
" Mark is moving back to LA and we are gonna help him pack... I've called a babysitter for the twins and she will be here in 5 mins ish."
"Who'd you call?"
" her name is Izzabelle.... She is 17"
"Ok... Hopefully she's worked with kids before."
2 knocks on the door
I got the door and the girl was as tall as me... Even tho I'm Y/A. She looked 21.... She had high wasted shorts, a crop top, and pink flats on. Her long black hair was in a long fishtail braid
and swung over her shoulder.
"Omg!!! Are you Jacksepticeye??? Markiplier?????" She screamed. It was so loud the twins started crying.
I cradled the twins soothing there loud sobs.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt there little ears. What are there names?" She seemed calm, like she didn't even see Mark or Sean.
"This is Emma, and this is Andy." You showed her the babies and set them in her arms.
Sean told her what to do if she needed them. She got your number just in case. 
You were off to Marks apartment and your phone started ringing.
"Y/N? I need some help."
"What do you need?"
"Andy is crying. Emma is to.. I've changed there diapers but they won't stop... Do you think there hungry?"
"Probably... They are hungry all the time. There's formula for Andy and some fruit and cereal for Emma, and make sure you cuddle them and give them love after they eat."
"Ok, thank you."
You hung up and looked at Sean. He looked worried.
"They were hungry."
He nodded and you guys continued packing.
A couple hours had passed and we had packed so much stuff. His clothes were the only kinda thing left. We went to the apartment and Izzabelle was sitting on the couch with her boyfriend,  she had only a bra on. I pushed Sean back and almost slapped her.
"Calm down!! They are at the table eating."
"THEY COULD FALL!!!" You ran to the table and Emma was on the floor her face in the ground. Andy was sitting on the table, it almost toppling over.
You picked up Emma and put your finger under her little nose. It was bleeding.
"Sean!! Come get Andy! Emma's nose is bleeding!!!" Next thing you knew the table fell and a glass vase fell on Andy.
"ANDY!!!" You shout. Sean picks him up and starts to pick glass out his back carefully. Emma's nose was dripping blood on the floor. You took her to the counter and put a tissue under her nose. She started whining. You cut a banana and put a little in her mouth and a little in yours. You gave her a kiss and went to Sean and Andy. You put a little teddy gram in his mouth so he keeps calm. "Y/N is Emma ok?" "
Her nose is swelling and bleeding, she has a couple bruises but she's ok. Andy?"
"His back is gonna be fine. No stiches. Can you bring some bandages and wrap him?"
I grabbed the first aid kit and the bandages. I gave Andy a drink of water and put a little couple more teddy grams in his mouth as you pour some peroxide on a towel. "Sean put your finger in his mouth. I don't want him hurting his mouth."
He put his first finger in Andy's mouth and looked at me. I dabbed the towel on his wound and he made a loud cry. I kissed his head and then Emma started crying. I looked at her and put some banana in her mouth. She cried more. Starring at Andy. You put her next to Andy and gave him some banana. After he finished the banana Sean tried putting his finger in his mouth, but Emma stopped him. She put her chubby fingers in his little mouth. She kissed his head and smiled. You finished cleaning his back with no noise. You wrapped Andy and checked Emma's nose. It was kinda swollen but it stopped bleeding. You kissed it and Emma made grabby hands at Andy. He crawled over and kissed her nose.
You checked out all of her bruises and they were fine.

The next week was gonna be a sore one. With Mark packing on his own, his back was very sore. You and Sean were always with the twins, and Sean decided a little break fro YouTube was needed.

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