Chapter 18: The Talk

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I was officially uncomfortable, but at the same time, I felt like I was in a peaceful mood.

I was sitting next to Jacob in one of Carlisle's old medical rooms. It was at least two hours later and everyone was settled in.

I wanted Jacob to wake up so I could talk to him.

I wanted to talk to Edward, but for some reason I was nervous. I didn't feel anything magical with Edward. I wasn't in love with him. Anymore.

I remembered the moment when I was driving to Forks. I remembered when I had the urge to cry, and just give up with life.

Until I met Damon. Then I was one of the happiest people on the world. I smiled to myself from remembering everything. I had the sudden urge to look up, and when I did, I saw Edward leaning against the doorway smiling. The smile he gave was flawless.

Happy. Relieved. To see me. I breathed in and smiled.

I was happy to see Edward, but then my stomach felt like there were a thousand butterflies flying around. I didn't have the courage to say anything first. All Edward said was,


"Hey." I peeped out. Now this was the definition of awkward. Until Edward walked towards me. He took a chair and sat next to me.

He wanted to talk. He was looking at something, my hand. My ring. Damn it, I was busted.

"Nice ring." Was all he said. That was it, I couldn't take this no more.

"Edward, we should have a talk." I said it as confidently as I could. And quite frankly, it worked quite well. He nodded in agreement.

"Well first we should talk about what your doing with him." He was talking about Damon. I looked away just to roll my eyes.

"Well let's just say me and Damon are-"

"Engaged." He finished it for me. I was about to question him, then I realized the mind reading thing. Edward could never read my mind for some odd reason, but I freaking hated when he did that. Especially if it was towards my friends.
"Edward could you please just stay out of other people's thoughts? I mean that stuff is between be and Damon." I stated. He rolled his golden eyes.

"Well sorry, Bella. But I know everything already. You have no idea how much Damon thinks about that stuff." He had a smile forming at the corner of his lips. Some of the nervousness in my system left. Wait a sec? That meant he knew...

"Edward, you know I'm a vampire?" He nodded.

"It was going to happen when I was gone anyways. But Bella honestly I don't feel anything anymore," I gave him a confused look.

"I mean, I feel you as a friend." I nodded in agreement. That's all Edward would be. My best friend. My other best friend.

"But can I be at your wedding?" I smiled when he said that.

"Of course. But Edward I should be getting to sleep. Okay?" He nodded and I got up. At least I didn't have to do the explaining, and I was happy me and Edward were still friends.

Before I could get across the hall, Klaus pushed me into a bedroom.

A/N: I'm kind of calmer. I'm wide awake, so I'll write a few more chapters. So if u fall asleep then tomorrows your day to read. But you guys must be like "FUCK OFF KLAUS, BELLA IS WITH DAMON." But your about to laugh. So stay tuned. I'll go write. Love u guys.

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