Updaaattee from author-san c:

342 18 19

so gais. Jin finished the songs and PV's apparently. You should go on youtube and watch them all. You know... If you ever feel like crying and stuff.

Because uugghhh supposedly Haruka turns into Konoha and turns into Kuroha and kills everyone in the song outer science and then Mary turns back time but they don't remember anything in Summertime record and then everyone goes their seperate ways.

Why would Jin do that?

I....I loved you, Jin.

But... :c sorry, I'm having fangirl feels. Think about what everyone went through! And in the like milisecond on the pv for outer science, it even shows everyone and their past selves!!

Like. Right at 2:08. Seriously.


Brb crying

Why, kuroha? Who put dah snakes in you? Was it Azami? But... Why? I DONT UNDERSTAND.

Ima go pull an Ayano.

Was that suicide joke too soon?

Anyway co,ment or inbox questions or ideas or something since im hyped with KagePro right now

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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