Chapter Twenty-two

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Just wanna say thanks to those people that have been writing encouraging comments to me and especially the ones that have been giving me helpful tips especially my grammar ; )
I dedicate this chapter to you guys, you know who you are.


I opened Josh's door taking in him lying on his bed and talking on his phone.

He ran a hand through his hair. "I know, but uni is really hectic now and I just realised it stupid it is to leave right now" he justified himself.

I knew what he was talking about. The appearance of John is making Josh cancel his Europe trip to make sure mum and I are okay.

I immediately snatched the phone from Josh. He objected trying to grab the phone back but I quickly talked into the phone. "Sorry Lucy, he's just a bit overwhelmed by his feelings for you that he's making up excuses to not go. Don't worry he'll be there" I gave Josh a stern look and hung up.

"Avery" He called my name with a pointed look.

I got comfortable in his chair. "Josh" I copied him giving him a pointed look.

"I'm not going"

I sighed exasperated. "Yes you are! You've been planning this trip since you met Lucy which was eight years ago. Just because our stupid excuse of our father arrives at our doorstep doesn't mean you cancel your plans for him" I tried explaining.

I wasn't going to let John get in the way of his happiness.

He looked unconvinced "You guys need me here".

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I am a grown women and I can take care of myself, same with mum. You've seen me with people I hate, I give them hell"

He nodded. "Including me"

I smiled at him. "You're not there yet, but getting closer everyday" I joked as the edge of his lips tilted upwards.

I held the phone out to him. "Please call her back and tell her how much you want to go"

He looked from the phone to me torn.

"The poor girl is probably thinking she did something wrong, you better call her before she changes her mind about more things than just a trip" I tried convincing him.

He grabbed the phone with a thankful smile. "Thanks sis"

I ruffled his hair. "Anytime Joshy" before walking out of his room and I was disappointed to see John standing by the counter next to mum.

After that whole talk, the whole cheating issue, she decided to still let him into this house. I hope I didn't get my naivete from her.

She gave me a stern and blunt tone. "Sit down"

I wanted to object but the tension could be cut by a knife. I sat down at the table crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at John. I didn't care if I looked like a spoilt brat because if you saw the way we were treated seventeen years ago you'd agree.

I was surprised when John spoke up, not leaving mum to do all the justification. I studied his expression, that blank look. No guilt and no signs of emotions.

"I know you hate me and that is totally fine. What I did seventeen years ago was a dick move-" he started.

I stopped him. "Don't" shaking my head I continued. "Don't pretend to know what you were like. You don't know how much pain we were in and you think a quick sorry will be ok. Mum had to work three jobs. She barely got three hours sleep every night just to keep up the rent, feed us and pay for the school fees. I didn't have a childhood thanks to you. We never went out for dinners, we never sat around the tv to watch a footy game and mum never took us to school because she was working her ass of all day" I shook my head blinking away the tears. "You know I used to never eat lunch and always tried to skip on breakfast because I was trying to help mum save money. One of my schoolfriends took pity on my and gave me half her lunch just so I wouldn't starve" I explained to him.

Mum was shocked. "Honey I didn't know that, why didn't you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter mum, don't feel guilty because it wasn't your fault" I gave mum a reassuring look. I didn't want mum to feel bad. I wanted John to feel bad. I wanted him to feel one bit of what he caused us.

I remember when mum fainted many times because she worked too much, not having time to sleep or eat. The doctor urged her to drop a job but she objected because she needed the money.

"I said I was sorry and I am trying to make it up to you" He replied not sounding the slightest bit sincere. The only emotion I could take from that was anger.

"How are you going to make it up to us?" I asked prying for any answer. "Take us to Disneyland?" I laughed "Because you're a bit too late for that"

He took a deep breath and I could tell he was trying to control his anger. I was impressed, it seems he has gained some sense of self control but I knew I could break him.

"I know you probably won't believe it but I have changed, you guys were enough for me, you were too good for me and I knew I would bring you down if I stayed" He replied trying to sound sad.

Now that's a lie.

"Now that's bullshit" I remarked back challenging him.

"What happened? Did you run out of money? You came back to suck it all out of us and then leave again?" I asked as he got even more angrier.

He clenched his jaw. "I came back to get to know my children and make it up to them"

"Well we don't want to know you so you may leave now" I smiled at him waiting for him to leave.

"I said that I have changed and I'm wanting a new start, a fresh start" John said harshly as anger starts to build in him, bulls-eye he has definitely not changed.

"You haven't changed a single bit" I replied back knowing he was by now furious. I waited for him to explode and I was surprised that mum hadn't intervened.

"Well at least I'm not a stuck up bitch that thinks that everything evolves around her" John spat.

I couldn't help but smile at this, he's breaking. Mum gasped and I heard Josh enter the room.

"Well at least I'm not a greedy pig that thinks that everything isn't enoug-" I started but was cut off by an action that surprised everyone in the room.

He punched me with such force that I fell to the ground. I ignored the aching pain in my face and watched the scene unfold in front of me as Josh appeared and pushed John roughly.

I wiped the blood from my mouth smirking at him "Haven't changed a bit"


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~ Ashley

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