Chapter 15

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Kaita sat in the library as usual that morning. She had several early morning book returns to stamp in and a few papers to review from the principle. He always slides his work over to her. It's irritating, but at the same time it's something Kaita doesn't mind doing. It mean everything will be done right. The first time. She let out a breath and continued to work. There was also a new string of information on the girl she had received from her home village. This might be just what they were looking for.

As the stack of paper work grew smaller, the time for students to start arriving for the school day came closer. She could almost feel the headache those little shits would undoubtedly give her that. As a librarian, it's Kaita's job to put books away and keep the shelves looking nice, as well as help the students find what they need. What tends to happen more often though, is students coming though and purposefully pushing books from the shelves, leaving food on the desks, and trying to disable the internet blocker on the computers.

Have you ever seen a student get dragged from a computer desk while watching porn? An involuntary shiver ran up Kaita's spine. The paperwork was done with thirty minutes left before the school grounds opened for the day. Just enough time to go over that information the Hokage's wife was nice enough to share on Honiji. She moved to open her computer and began to read the e-mail.

It was all basic forms and mundane information. Some of it was repeated information that she had been able to find on her own. As she read the information, something began to stick out. Since it was information from Tomoe, there was a lot of personal information mixed in as well, and dates where significant problems started to arise all had the same man's name involved. Hotaka Yagari... His name kept coming up as she continued to read the information... No.

Kaita felt her stomach drop and cold sweat built on her skin as she read the last paragraph of the e-mail. How... could anyone do this? Honiji. It's no wonder that girl can't control her magic anymore. At the bottom of the page was one line. "Don't tell Gaara. Let her find the strength to do it herself."

Voices sounded down the hall and Kaita closed her laptop just as Paku and Kenchi burst through the door with a ragged Honiji thrown over Paku's shoulder. Oh what in the same hell is going on so early in the morning?

"KAITA!! You are not going to believe this!"

"It's eight o'clock and I have two screaming high schoolers and a half dead girl in my library. Try me." If she could smoke in here, she would.

"Honiji! She! She!" Paku held the girl out by the shoulders, shaking her as he spoke.

Kenchi kicked him across the library and caught Honiji. "You're going to hurt her you idiot!"

"Who are you calling idiot you blueberry flavored ice pop?!"

"Are you making fun of my hair you Rasta banana look-a-like?!"

As they bickered back and forth, Kaita let a sigh escape, picked up the largest book she could find, and realed it back as far as she could before letting it fly, whapping Paku in the back of the head and sending him flying in Kenchi. All three ended up on the floor in a giant heap. "I believe you ran in here to tell me about something concerning Honiji?" She reminded.

Paku sprung up into a sitting position. "Right!" Pulling Honiji up by the shoulders, he launched into the real reason they came by so early. "Kenchi and I were minding our own business by the shoe boxes, normal morning stuff. And our little angel here came by and wanted to tell us something in privet! And I thought she was going to announce that she had fallen in love with both of us and couldn't decided who to be with and we would have to fight for her love, but I was so wrong!"

"The point, Hakaji. You are starting to steam." Noticing his power was starting to ignite, Paku began to blow on his arms to cool down.

"Anyway." He started again after the steam stopped. "She told us..."

At this point, Paku was unable to find his words. He had... run out of steam so to say. Kenchi crossed his arms and gritted his teeth. "She told us that she wanted us to be the first to know that she was moving here permanently to fulfil an arranged marriage deal with the sandman."

"Wow. An arranged marriage in this day and age. Interesting."

"Don't treat this like some news article! Our little Honi is going to get married after graduation!"

"It's not official yet though!" Honiji attempted to calm her friend. "We have to be approved by the Suna council first and also I haven't called my dad- darn I forgot to call my dad..." She hung her head as this revelation hit.

"That doesn't matter! You agreed to it! How could you do this to us?!"

"How does this have anything to do with you?"

Kaita snorted. A week with them and she can already bite back so straight faced? Glorious. But then as she was watching the three shoot back and forth at each other, she remembered the information in the e-mail. She no idea Honiji had such a wall to over come. Gaara... He must have really gotten through to her. She looked over at the girl who was happily smiling and joking with the two idiots. What an unexpectedly strong girl.

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