Ch.4 coffee and tea

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//Author's note: Really like this chapter! I hope Ya'll do too!  Comment, vote, and like please.



  Today was my day to be productive. I had to get out of the house. Every once in a while
There was an angry layer above the house after the twins had managed to rub toothpaste across the walls. I decided to take a bike ride until every thing was blown over.

   I'm pretty sure I hadn't ridden my bike in a few years because I didn't remember it being this small. I borrowed my mom's rusted out one instead.
With my backpack around my shoulders and some extra money stuffed in the pocket, I left the isolated island on which I existed.

   I loved the feeling of the cool beach air whipping around me as I wove through the crowd of joggers, drunks and early bird tourists. I was going so fast that it burned my eyes. The tire of my bike caught the end of something and before I knew it I was laying on the sandy cement with the bike on top of me. I looked down to assess the damage ; cut knee, bleeding elbow , bruised calf. not too bad . the bike was practically unharmed.

"Let me get that off you" said a gruff voice "you were going pretty fast there are you alright?".

   He proceeded to lift off the bike and collect his skateboard. I looked up into a pair of sea glass marbles.

"yes , yes I'm alright" I said brushing myself off " and thanks".

I picked up my bike and started to walk away

"wait!" he said. "Aren't you at least going to let me buy you a coffee?" he suggested.

"sure" I said.

   he was pretty cute I guess with messy black hair and cutoff jeans. we walked down to the pier together.

"so I never got your name" he said.

" I never got yours either." I threw back.

"touché ," he said "I'm Adam ".


We continued to the the pier to the little shop at the end and ordered some coffee .

he said "so Darcy what brings you to mission?"

"Oh, I'm staying just down the way with my parents for the summer"I said "what brings you here?" .

" I live here with my uncle" Our names were called out to get our coffee.

"can I walk you home?"he said.

" of course" I nearly shouted.

we made small talk on my way home.

when we got to my front door Adam said " do you want to do this again tomorrow?" .

"what crash my bike?" I said sarcastically.

"no, see each other again" he mentioned as he scratched his head.

" well alright" I said . he handed me a piece of paper with messy handwriting on it .

"here's my number, call me tonight maybe?"he said as he walked away.

My heart was all a flutter until I opened the front door .

Both my parents sat on the couch arms crossed.

" where the hell have you been?!" asked my dad "we have been looking for you all day!".

"I was only gone for two hours" I whispered.

"You couldn't have called?! We were worried!"
"You are not to leave the house for these next two days missy"

"but..." I said shakenly " I have something to do tomorrow".

"I don't care!" roared my dad.

"do not be so harsh " said my mom . "I'm not being harsh Karen" said my dad" as for you young lady go to your room!"

  I angrily stomped up the stairs.Finally a cool boy and I had to turn him down.awesome. now I had to call him. I dialed his number in my phone.

"Hello?" asked a gruff voice .

"hey!" I said "its Darcy"

"oh, what's up " he said.

" I can't hang out tomorrow" I spilled "my parents grounded me".
"Its alright I under stand parents can be so lame" he said "but, promise you'll come to my party on Friday ?".

. "okay, yeah,see ya then" "bye".

   After I hung up I continued moping . I hate conflict . my self pity was interrupted by knocking. I refused to answer, i didn't want anyone to see me upset. A little later I opened the door to a tray of tea , cookies,and a folded note. my mother. this was her secret rebellion. I quickly gobbled down my earl grey tea and lemon scones. lastly I opened the note which read "feel good soon" . She must've been in a rush because the writing was almost unreadable.

"Dinner time" my mother announced.

I grabbed my dishes and headed down to the kitchen where my mother was preparing dinner.

as I put my dishes in the sink I whispered "thanks for the stuff" .

My mom turned to me and said "what stuff?"

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