Chapter 13

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June 11 2015

Hi again. Im home for a few days and it feels really nice. I had my last part of this chemo five days ago and in a week I'm going into next session of chemo. This time stronger. I have a wheelchair because I can barely walk anymore. Lauren is always with me. I think that Dinah and Ally are scared. Because they're barely visiting anymore and they look at me with pity. They all do. Except Lauren and mom I don't want anyone to pity me, I just want to live as normal as I can. But it's hard. Even my skinniest jeans are way too big now. I hate it so much. Now when i'm home Lauren will sleep with me. Tmorrow Lauren will play a game with the school team. I'll be there ofcourse. I'm so proud. She let me borrow one of hers jerseys with her last name and the number 27 on the back on. Unfortunately I can't stand up too long because I'm too weak, but there are seats so it won't be that much of problem. I'm so excited.

x Camila

Sorry because mistakes!🙌


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