Anger And Sorrow Brings Hope

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Heyyo! Enjoy this chapter and holy Arceus this story is getting better and better ^_^ judging by your support and comments you guys are loving this story and I'm so happy for that. Anyway enough of me blabbering enjoy this chapter~

Serena's POV

The feeling of rejection?
Why should I even bother fixing the past I broke?
Even my own daughter turned her back at me.
She's just like you Xavier, stubborn and determined.
Why did I even leave? I ruined our family and corrupted our daughter.

I'm a bad mother aren't I?

I read the note again and again, I can't believe my own mother. I don't even know if I can ever forgive for all you have done, where is my real dad anyway? I guess I will never know can I?

Oh well, what's past is past all that matters is what the future brings you and I can't imagine what will it bring for me.

I grabbed my journal out of my pocket and read everything I wrote in it, I never thought I would smile reading all of my entries. Every pain and sorrow I experienced always end up me smiling and enduring it alone, but now I have everything I want and that is love and acceptance.

I looked at my left and saw Ash peacefully sleeping on his bed, I got out of my bed and left my room. I went outside the hotel and looked at the stars, I extended my hand in the sky wanting to be one, a star.

A star that shines brighter than anything, brighter than the sun itself. That's what I want for this clan, I want it to be the strongest without my parents help. All they care about is power and dominance, what I want is to be the very best. Power isn't everything I know, but I want this clan to be known as the most strongest and happiest clan that ever was.

I want people to know even if I'm from a family of gangsters it doesn't mean I would instantly kill them.

I turned my gaze at the streetlights every lights I see leads to hope and happiness. Every darkness the spreads around me leads to pain and despair.

Every memory starting from the day I was born till' know began playing in my head. My image back then until know, I never thought they would change my everything

And I'm greatful for that, I truly am.

As I was busy examining the night sky once again a hand patted my back, I turned around and saw Ash "Whatcha' thinking Sere?" He asked "Everything" I replied, he wrapped his arms around me and I smiled from his warmth.

"Ever since then till' know, I never felt this happy before" I uttered "Your just saying that, because I'm here" Ash teased "No, I was cold back then I never wanted to be nice or fair to anyone, and then you suddenly showed up and well look at me right now" I said, he looked at me and smiled "Yeah, you did changed alot" I giggled and felt drowsy as I leaned on his chest "My journey to make this clan the very best is just starting and I want you to help me Ashy" He nodded "I will always be there for you even if it kills me I will be there for you, until then let's enjoy our life together" I smiled "Forget about our parents, Ash I want you to be my family" I stated "Yeah, me too" He leaned forward and so did I, we kissed passionately under the night sky revealing to the world itself that we will fight till' the very end.

"I love you Ash"

"I love you too Serena"

"Your my one and only and never forget that"

Gomen for the short chapter 😦😦 this was just a side chapter, because we'll I felt like doing one. Anyway see you in the next chapter, Peace Out!

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