Worst Day

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Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^


Ash's POV

Once I arrived at the mansion, I told everybody about Serena getting shot and the whole Calem incident. I didn't tell them about I love Serena, because if you have friends like them never and I mean Never tell them your crush!

They were concerned, well besides Misty. Misty was actually smiling when I tod her the news, is it me or does Misty really, really, really, REALLY hate Serena for calling her carrot head?

"I told her to rest up in the hospital, so we will make sure that this mansion is ok when she gets back!" I exclaimed "Wait, what should we do now?" Gary asked "Yeah, I mean there's not much anything here you can do, it's kinda boring" Dawn pointed out, gotta be honest she's right. There nothing here to do, I wonder how Serena spends her time here?

Then Zaldy walked in and noticed how bored our faces were "You guys want to play a game?" We nodded "I know Miss has a console in her room, she won't mind if you guys use it" I looked at Gary and the others they had stars in their eyes, I guess it's playtime.

We all ran towards her room, but Misty wasn't really happy to go inside her room. Seriously what's the big deal? We carefully entered her room and saw the console and a....70 inch tv?! What the heck?!

"Wow Serena has everything including the games" Cilan said in an awe "Yeah, I wonder what's she's doing right now?"

Meanwhile with Serena

Serena's POV

"Achoo!" The doctor looked at me and ask "Someone talking about you?" I nodded "Probably just them" He nodded and walked out of the room. Once he closed the door I immediately bang my own head on the wall "THIS PLACE IS SOO BORING!!!" I yelled, I hope they're not using my console at home. It was pretty busted when I use it awhile ago and if it was turned on it would probably explode.

It's a good thing Ash's there...he's a pretty cool guy....GAAAAH THERE I GO AGAIN!!

Ash's POV

I looked around her room and saw a notebook on her drawer, I opened the notebook and it was a journal. I shooked my head and put the journal back making sure no one sees it, especially Misty.

I turned my gaze at the others who were trying to turn the console on, but it won't. I walked up to them and and knelt down "What's going on?" I asked "This stupid console won't turn on" Paul said a bit irritated "We shouldn't force it you guys, if it breaks Serena would be pretty grumpy" I stated, I cannot handle her wrath again. The last time she ever yelled at me was an hour ago and that was terrifying.

"Who cares about Serena! Why do you care so much about her anyway?" Misty asked from the looks of it she was a bit jealous, why are you so jealous? "Umm.." I sweatdropped "Yeah, you really have been closer to her than us" May smirked "Whatcha' hiding Ash" Iris smirked, I sighed in defeat and held both of my arms up "I am in love with her ok?" The boys gasped while the girls squealed "Ash and Serena sitting on the tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" See what I mean? I regret telling them..

Serena's POV

"Why do I feel like someone is shipping me with Ash? I mean I don't mind.....WHAT AM I THINKING!?"

Ash's POV

"Hey Gary is the console suppose to smoke like that?" I pointed at the console that was smoking and some sparks were appearing "What the-*boom*" Well that sucked, and now we have to apologize to Serena when she gets back. Great job Ash.

"Let's just go outside" They nodded and we quietly walked out of the mansion, man this isn't my day. I looked up at the sky and it was cloudy like it was about to rain, nevermind what I said after I looked up a raindrop dropped on my face. "Guys we should head back" May stated, we turned around then suddenly a big boulder appeared out of nowhere and it was rolling towards us "RUN" We ran downhill, but the boulder was still rolling down. I looked behind me and saw Calem?!

"That's what you get for stealing my Serena!" he said as he is running towards me, wait if his running at me then....the boulder...how dumb is this guy?

"You do realise that you also now have to run, because the bolder is also right behind you?" Calem looked behind him and his jaw dropped "I DIDN'T THINK THE BOULDER WOULD CONTINUE ROLLING!" We all fell anime style "You idiot! Make sure your calculations are correct before you push a boulder just to kill Ash" Cilan scolded "Wait what do you mean kill me?!" I shouted still running for our dear life "Well it's obvious he just wants to kill you, so hey don't get us involve" Dawn stated "I hate you guys.." I mumbled.

We finally saw a different pathway, so we turned left and the boulder finally stopped, I swear to God if Calem ever did that again, I would kill him for making me exercise. We all fell on the ground panting like crazy, Serena you better be happy at the hospital, because you don't need to do all of this mess. "I will kill you Calem" I panted "Oh yeah? Can you kill me?" He smirked "Let me rephrase that, Serena will kill you" He shrugged "You will never get her back Calem! She is better off without you, she deserves better!" I exclaimed "Oh right! Like your the her one" He said sarcastically "Maybe I am, who knows what faith brings us. Even so I love her and you will never take her away from me!" I exclaimed, Calem stood up and looked a me with a disgusting look "Prepare yourself Ash, you will regret ever meeting me" he warned and left.

Gary went beside me and patted my back "I never thought you would have the guts to say that, Serena must be rubbing off you or somethin' " I rubbed my cheek from embarrassment "Yeah, but I'm afraid....what if something happens to Serena?" I said worriedly "Don't worry, she's strong. Even though we don't know much about her, she will fight until the end. Ash if you love her make sure to protect her" I nodded "I want to...for her...

Serena's POV

Ok, now why do I get the feeling Ash is saying something about me?

Oh Ash...you really changed my life in a good way...I wish I met you sooner...

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