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They were left in a state of nausea. Each of them sprawled on the ground in odd angles, all but Xavier Alan Phoebe. He stood there, panting and eyes wide. All he could think was that she was real, it hadn't been a dream, not the coal like appearance or the magic, the darkness she radiated. He gasped, cheeks wet with tears. His violet eyes were fixated on the dark spot in which she left. The grass had just...died, around the place she stood.

"Xavier! "Cyrus yelled from the ground, Xavier turned to him knowing he was not who he was calling out for. Nobody ever called for him. "Xavier! "His scream was painful and desperate, it reminded him so much of his own, when he called for his father to come back. He never came back.

"Xavier," the young Phoebe gasped softly and turned only to have arms wrap around him like a vice.

"He's gone. "Xavier whispered against the larger mans chest. He looked up at the man, he gazed into the warm brown eyes in which held his most inappropriate affection." Is he coming back? "Xavier wouldn't admit it to anyone but Christian, but he cared for everyone around him, even those he barely knew.

"He will be back." Christian tried to be assuring but Xavier could see the doubt.

"Bring him back! "Cyrus screamed at Theodore, the man gapped and raised his hands.

"I can't." Cyrus sniffed, his chest aching.

"What do you mean you can't? "Cyrus exaggerated." You're a bloody Caster, second most powerful, what the hell can you not do? " Theodore glared at him.

"I can't locate them." He hissed and Cyrus stared, eyes squinted at him. "If she is Elijah's daughter... I suppose she is as close to his power as Xavier." Cyrus gasped painfully as he tried to even his breathing and shook his head. He reached down to his boot and took the large knife hidden in the sole. He flipped it in his hand, throwing it in the air only to catch it again.

"Explain to me, "Cyrus sniffed as he began to sniff and pace while playing with the knife." To all of us. How can she be Elijah's daughter? " Cyrus stared at the man who sighed.

"I honestly don't know." Cyrus pointed the knife at him. Theodore paced the ground suddenly in thought, nothing made sense, nothing at all.

"Did you know about her?'' Travis asked him and Theodore paused,gave them a blank look before continuing his pacing.

He was searching his mind, digging into all his memories, trying to make sense of everything that just happened,trying to establish a timeline.

"Theodore!" Danielle begged and grabbed onto his arm. He froze,staring into her eyes. "Did you know?" she asked,her eyes were full of unshed tears, they reached out to him,begged for answers.

"No," he said feeling defeated. They all exchanged looks or confusion.

" can we be sure she wasn't lying?" Claude asked filling the room with tense sighs.

'We can't, and that's the problem." Kathryn growled and proceeded to sit on a near by tree stump.

"I'm trying remember but..."Theodore sighed and places his hands on his hips, "I come up empty..." He mumbled to himself. "There was never...never a time where he was..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, she looked what? Like, 21 or 22?" Claude said to try and help Theodore put the pieces together. "So about 20 years ago, where was our father?" Theodore searched his mind.

He remembered the plans, the untold dooms day he had announced to the council. The proposed plan to which he had made up his mind about. He remembered the years before it was executed, how they argued and argued about the possibility of it going wrong,the variables. He remembered how he had looked how he acted. Nothing suggested that he had been pregnant or dating for that matter! Elijah didn't date! That much Theodore was sure of.

3.A Caster's Love(ManxMan )Where stories live. Discover now