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There was a slight difference in the man. His usually all dark hair with a single white strip had taken a slight alteration. On one side of his hair it was dark, nearly black and on the other completely white. Xavier blinked then looked to the two vampires which came back into the room, one of them holding a familiar figure. Xavier narrowed his eyes on then as he took a threatening step forward.

"You must not act before thought, dear Xavier. " Elijah said calmly having not answered Danielle. Xavier hesitantly turned to the older man whose eyes sparkled with mischief and knowing. He smiled a bright smile." You must have questions, this is Dante, the Commander of the Oni clan, that man, "Elijah pointed behind them, at the vampire who snarled on the floor. "Is Vladimir, Dante's twin brother. "Xavier took a moment, staring at Vladimir who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Ok, twin vampires. Why the hell did they take my friends?" He finally asked looking at Dante.

"My brother was planning to drain him of his blood, there is a myth about Caster blood, that it has extremely powerful properties. "Dante explained." At first, the plan was just to take out the herds of remaining panther shifters, but as soon as Vladimir realised that there were casters living among them, he wanted their power. "

"Ok, Caster blood, power, got it. Now, what was the use of killing all panther herds existing?" Dante looked to Elijah who stepped forward. "And where is Linus?" Xavier said, fixing his eyes on Gabriel who lay limp in Dante's somewhat protective arms.

"Linus escaped, we don't know where he is, or how he managed to do it as they had kept them sedated to keep them from using their magic. " Elijah began." The panther herds, well, someone seemed to have a grudge against your mother's intended husband. "Xavier's brows furrowed.

"Are you implying that my biological father is behind this?" Xavier's nose flared with anger as suddenly two of him were standing before Elijah who smirked.

"You need to work on your listening skills and try not to let your emotions control you, Xavier." He said as suddenly Xavier felt himself multiply around them and ten of him stood around the two vampires, Elijah and Danielle, angry and hands flaming.

"Don't try and tell me what to do, just tell it to me straight," he said through clenched teeth. He looked across the circle and saw all his copies had bright blue eyes. Elijah allowed his eyes to flash silver.

"It would be too easy. "He said," I am not one for easy. "He smirked and Xavier clenched his eyes closed as he felt a headache piercing through his head, he fell to his knees, clutching his aching forehead with a groan. Slowly, the copies of him who had also fallen to their knees from pain began to disappear, turning into bright blue mist and floating over to him. Xavier looked up at Elijah who stood tall and proud. "If you have yet to understand, I meant that it is not your biological father, but a relative of his, taking revenge, but the persons plan back fired as they began a war among the vampires and the panthers." Elijah suddenly looked furious, his eyes completely silver as the wind picked up.

Xavier looked down at the ground, not sure what to think or say.

"Now, I have to go back to the council, they will deal with Vladimir. "Elijah said looking to the vampire. Xavier stood slowly feeling dizzy.

"What about the vampires who killed my mother? Where are they?" Elijah turned to him, silent for but a brief moment. Elijah turned away from him and instead looked to his daughter whose eyes were glassy as she stared up at him.

"They have received their punishment. "Elijah said and Xavier leaned to the side slightly and saw as Elijah lifted his hand and cupped his daughter's cheek.

"What does that mean? What was their punishment?" He asked, his hands clenching into fists.

"I know how much you would have liked to rip them apart, make them ache as much as you did, hand them their personal death warrant, but, "Elijah paused and turned his head. "Sometimes, you have to step back and let them pay for everything they have done, when their time comes. Even if you aren't going to be the one handing it to them. "Elijah kissed his daughters forehead." Now, I will be taking my leave. Farewell. "Elijah smiled softly before the wind picked up and blew at him, he seemed to turn into a pile of leaves as they floated out of the large mansion. Xavier had to admit, for a man who wasn't meant to be on earth's physical plane, he sure made a lot of appearances.

Xavier turned to look at Vladimir who scowled and was turned into a bundle of leaves and blown away by the wind.

There was silence as they stared. Xavier looked to the ceiling with a heavy heart before looking to the vampires who stood there still.

"Mind handing him over? "Xavier said stepping towards Dante, who pulled Gabriel closer to his chest.

"I can't." Dante said with strain, his face scrunching up in pain. Xavier furrowed his eyebrows and reached for Gabriel's body only for Dante to pull away with a hiss. Xavier raised a brow before narrowing his eyes but Dante widened his eyes. "My apologies, I don't understand what is happening." he said with honesty. Xavier stared at him. "My body is not Co-operating." he said and gave him a worried glance.

Xavier raised his hand and touched Gabriel's forehead which was warm. He looked peaceful as though he was sleeping. He looked up to see Dante staring at Gabriel with possession, Xavier wasn't sure how mates worked with vampires, if they even existed, but he couldn't help suspecting that it was the reason for Dante's protective manner.

"Since you seem to be... Attached, mind bringing him back to Greyhound territory? "The vampires beside Dante tensed slightly. Dante sighed while looking at his silent friend.

"He could always stay here, I will take care of him." Dante then said after a pause and Xavier crossed his hands over his chest.

"I don't think I trust you enough, besides, after his experience, I don't think Gabriel would be happy to hear about you. "Xavier said seriously and Dante's eyes flashed with anger and understanding. Slowly, Dante held his arms out for Xavier to take the boy. Xavier took Gabriel who was heavier than he expected, he couldn't help think how he was not built for carrying people.

Xavier looked to Danielle who stared at the ground with a frown, he decided to leave her to her own thoughts as he made his way out of the mansion, Dante and his silent friend watching them intensely. Xavier didn't pay it any mind, he had had enough for one day and all he wanted was to get to Cyrus and cuddle his worries away.



"Is he possibly...? "Dante looked back at his best friend.

"It can't be." Dante whispered. He couldn't help the feeling of familiarity he felt with the boy. He couldn't deny that he indeed looked like some on he knew.

"They look exactly alike, they are the exact species and they have the same name. Don't you think it could be? "

"Raphael, please, I do not think I could take it if it were true." Dante said closing the doors of his mansion and walking away from his friend for centuries.

"Dante, "he paused and turned his head slightly, his blonde hair falling into his face." You heard the rumours, you saw Xavier and how Elijah spoke with him. It is possible that he doesn't remember everything, they have a new start, you could have yours. "Dante clenched his eyes closed.

"I don't think I want that." he whispered. "I don't want history to repeat itself." there was silence. Gracefully and silently, Raphael was in front of him.

"Because you know the past, you can prevent it from repeating. "Dante clenched his jaw shut.

"And when he remembers? Then what? Will he stay or will he flee, I am not strong enough for that kind of grief, not a second time." Dante walked passed him in sad anger. He couldn't do it to himself, he couldn't allow for that to happen, not again, he had barely survived the first time around, the second time, he was certain he wouldn't be able to go on. Not without him.

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