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For once, he felt peace, so intense he sighed with a soft smile. His hand gripped fiercely on the pendant which showed Elijah's smiling face.

"-I would have thought it-" Donovan opened his eyes and turned his face towards the familiar voice. The spitting picture stood facing the door, shoulders haunched for a moment. It felt different though. It wasn't uncommon to see him, not really him but a sort of projection of him, but the feeling was off, it felt...real, today.

"How did..." Elijah turned and Donovan continued to stare, it was hard enough living without his mate, seeing his projection or whatever it was, always made it worse, so he glared as he always did. He knew the rule, a strong burst of emotion brings the projection, it will talk, laugh, act as normal as possible but they could never touch it, it would fizzle out and appear away from you. Donovan sat up and sighed again as his heart squeezed. "What did you do!?" He blinked at the raw anger and confusion in the Elijah double's voice.

"Oh man. This is new, "he voiced and the double walked over to him. His eyes widened as he felt the sting coupled with the usual tingles enveloped his cheek. Slowly he reached out to his cheek and touched the spot. A chuckle left him." Elijah? " He questioned looking up at the familiar blue eyes he loved so much, which haunted his dreams, Donovan felt his eyes prickle.

"What did you think?" Elijah hissed. "What did you do?" Donovan stood and reached out, holding onto Elijah's shoulders and smiling in shock.

"You're here, "Donovan said in a daze, he pulled his mate flush against his body, the feeling of hold his love again had him wanting to cry, he was completely overwhelmed." You're here. "He growled lowly, he could feel the presence of his wolf for the first time in 16 years." I can't believe it." The tears fell then, slowly, one by one as Elijah began wrapping his arms around him, hugging him back.

"You idiot, "Elijah mumbled against him, his voice thick with emotion as he choked and let out a sob." Such an idiot. "Elijah gasped. Donovan cupped his mates cheek and tilted his head up to him. He watched the red eyed Elijah who sniffed.

"I'm your idiot." Donovan declared as though time between them never passed. He leaned down and kissed his lips, remembering how soft they were, loving how they moulded together like the perfect puzzle piece.

"I hate how I didn't see this coming. "Elijah mumbled against his lips as Donovan smiled. Donovan held onto Elijah's hips and pulled him towards his bed." I love you, Donovan. "Elijah told him and Donovan felt his heart sore, it gave an actual beat for the first time in a very long time. He finally felt complete after 16 years.



"His name is Caesar, he is...well, our uncle considering he is our father's baby brother. " Kathryn explained, Xavier held the picture and stared at the black eyed and midnight blue haired boy of about 10 staring blankly at the camera. "He was taken by the werewolf council."

"Why? "Xavier asked looking at the hazel eyed Katherine.

"I don't know," she said with a shrug before walking away. Xavier put the picture down and turned away. He had homework which he had no clue how to do. Walking towards the stairs he paused as he had almost collided with the most hostile of the pack members, Xavier offered the other Xavier a smile and only received a scowl.

"Hey, "Xavier said but the other boy rolled his eyes and walked around him." You know, you can't stay mad at everyone for forever. "The boy stopped in his tracks and Xavier almost believed that perhaps he'd got through to him.

"And you can't keep grieving for forever, now can you?" The boy said glaring and Xavier swallowed as he hit a soft spot. He gave a glare of his own.

"I don't know what your problem really is, but whatever it is, this whole 'the world hates me' bit is a tad bit dramatic, don't you think? "Xavier watched as the other boys eyes turned coal black.

"And don't you think this whole 'my mother died, cuddle me' is a bit much, wouldn't you think?"  Xavier reared his head back at the insult, feeling the hurt swell inside him. "Don't ever talk to me, ever, not even when you think you want to help." The coal black eyes melted away and for a moment, Xavier saw the glimpse of a boy whose lost his way, a boy who only wanted to be normal. As fast as he was there, he was gone and Xavier could only hope it wasn't too late for him. He watched the other boy walk away from him and out of the pack house and remembered what Theodore had told him the other day.

"If he's not asleep, then he's dancing, if he's not dancing then he's certainly not here. He barely comes to our training sessions either. Sometimes I wonder how right Elijah was about him. You know, it isn't the world that's against him, he himself is his own enemy. I think that's the real source of the problem. "

Xavier shook his head and turned back to the stairs, he only wondered how you help someone who doesn't want to be helped. He stopped short as the tall muscled frame of Christian towered over him.

"H-hey, "he said flushed as he eyed the man's bulging muscles.

"You shouldn't try," he said simply and that in itself seemed like to many words as Xavier had already figured that Christian was not a talker either. "If anyone is going to help him, it's me, so don't try, please."  There was pain in the beautiful eyes of the handsome Christian, so much that Xavier felt his own pain resurface. He gave a nod, yes, he wouldn't help him, in fact, he'd stop thinking about it completely. One couldn't help those who didn't want to be helped and so, he wouldn't.

Heading up to his room, he left the door open and sat at his desk. He had yet to decorate it to his like but that was ok, he had no need because he wouldn't be staying here forever, no, he'd train, get stronger and find the people who killed his mother, he'd make them pay, and he wouldn't help anyone but himself and nobody would help him, because he too didn't want help, he just wanted his revenge, and he sure as hell wouldn't let anyone get between him and his revenge.

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