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They parted gasping for air and Xavier had never felt so whole. He blinked his eyes open to find Cyrus still with his eyes closed, lips swollen pink and shining and turned up in a goofy smile. Xavier felt a smile of his own blossoming. Around them there was grass, green and flower blooming, there was no wind but a bright sky smiled down on them. Xavier tilted his head up.

"When did the sun come up? "Cyrus whispered. Xavier shrugged looking down at him.

"There is no sun." Xavier snapped his head to the direction of the familiar voice. His eyes widened as he gazed upon Theodore who stood tall and proud. Xavier looked up and the image seemed to melt away, he looked down.

"Where did you come from? "Cyrus said pulling away from Xavier who frowned as the grass turned murky brown and the bright sky fell away to reveal a darker evening sky.

"Somewhere close by," Theodore said simply. "It is nice to finally meet you, Cyrus. So much has been said about you." Xavier looked to Theodore's knowing look and even though the older man's face remained serious and unchanging, he couldn't help the blush on his cheeks. "I believe we have some important news to discuss, Xavier, if you have the time." He raised a single brow and Xavier looked to Cyrus who flushed.

"Sure, sorry, we, lost track of time. "

"No need to apologise. Come." Xavier furrowed his brows, he didn't like the switch of personality which Theodore took on, so serious and unfamiliar. Cyrus took hold of his hand and lead him towards the intended destination. Xavier was surprised by the sudden strength the boy took on, moments ago he could barely hold himself up let alone walk without help.

They reached Cyrus' home to find Carrin, Synthia, Winston and even Cyrus' mother gathered in the house. Xavier stepped on the broken down door as Cyrus rushed over to his mother.

"Oh, my God, thank goodness you are alright. " He hugged his mother who furrowed his brows.

"What's this about?" The woman asked.

"I saw you die, "Cyrus said teary eyed and Xavier looked down, thinking of the teenage girl who he had exchanged a favour for Cyrus' health.

"What? What is going on?" The woman stood. "I said I would tell you everything I know, nobody said anything to me about dying." She said pointing to Theodore.

"Afraid of death, I see. " Theodore said blankly.

"I am not ready to die, not for this." She said fiercely, narrowing her eyes.

"That is fine, because, "Theodore looked to Xavier who held onto his arm.

"You won't be dying. I'm...I'm sorry, I was fooled to believe that you would." Theodore turned to him fully.

"Tell us everything that happened. "He demanded in a soft tone. Xavier took a breath and began to recall the incidents beginning with the rebel vampire who comes from the Oni clan and his death and with the encounter with the mysterious teen Caster in the woods.

"I don't know why I couldn't...see. "He whispered finally, leaving out the deal he had made, not sure on how they would react or what he should do. Theodore gave him a long meaningful stare as though he knew he was keeping something, Xavier squirmed before he finally turned his gaze towards Cyrus' mother.

"It is easy to be fooled in the throngs of pain and grief. One must learn to separate himself from his emotions in times like these. "The words rang in Xavier's head, they seemed familiar but more of a distant and lost memory. "Now,  it is your turn."

"He is on the Hunter's council, " Cyrus' mother began." He is a long time family friend, he goes by many names but we called him uncle growing up, the council refers to him as Richard. On one of our missions to kill a disobedient vampire, my son and I came across a conversation involving the panther herd murder. Castel was the name of the vampire there that night. They killed innocent panthers, without real reason and I'm afraid it will not be ending there. I wanted to get a meeting with the Supreme council, I just never had the chance. " She said honestly. Xavier clenched his hands into fists.

"The council will hear of this." Theodore said with a small bow before a gust of smoke erupted and he was gone.

"Where did he go? "Cyrus asked.

"Back to the Supreme council, they will take care of this." Winston said for the first time standing up. Carrin followed with a cat like snarl.

"Handle it? Please, if sitting on there asses and questioning people is what they think is 'handling it' I have to give them a piece of my mind. "Synthia took hold of her arm.

"I can't lose you too, Carrin, please don't be stupid." Xavier's eyebrows rose as the other female pulled her arm out of her spouses.

"Stupid would be waiting for the council to act when clearly they have no intention to. I would have thought my own in-law would see light." She gave another snarl as her eyes turned gold and she turned for the exit, Xavier jumped out of her way as she lunged and shifted into her sleek black panther and ran.

"Why is she so upset?" Cyrus asked.

"The council didn't really give her the answers she wanted nor grant the request she demanded. Elijah hadn't proven any help to her either. They only promised to look into the matter and nothing else. "Synthia sighed." I wish she could have waited so that I could explain. " She went for the door and Xavier followed.

"Explain what?" She paused.

"Elijah only presented himself the way he did because he is under investigation, that is a story for another day. Anyway, I need her to know that he hasn't abandoned us or her, he is helping in more ways that he should." With that said she bounded after her love. Xavier turned towards everyone else, his eyes met with Winston.

"Thought you should know that, Donovan is nowhere to be found. He isn't in the right state of mind either, so be careful." Xavier gave a nod as the large man shifted and headed for the pack house. Cyrus took hold of his hand before snuggling into his chest. The silence stretched and Xavier held Cyrus closer to him.

"There is so many things going on, I feel like my head will explode. " Cyrus looked up at him with shining turquoise eyes.

"I'm sure all will be right with your world soon." Xavier gazed into his eyes and brushed his hair back.

"I only hope so. "He leaned down so that their foreheads would connect.

"Now, would you like to officially meet the woman who brought me into the world?" Xavier's eyes widened as he looked towards the house.

"Uh... "

"Alright, let me rephrase that." Cyrus said with a devious smile. "You are going to meet my mother, irrespective of the fact that you want to or not." He tapped Xavier's nose lightly. "Besides, I think she deserves to meet the boy who took my lip virginity."  Xavier chuckled lightly and shook his head before taking the step towards meeting Cyrus' mother.

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