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Theodore and Winston were making out and they had no shame. Xavier gapped as the two men looked about ready to strip each other naked. He wasn't sure if he was right to feel as aroused as he did. He blushed as Winston grabbed a handful of Theodore's ass and squeezed, earning himself a heartfelt moan from the man only to be pushed against the couch and kissed furiously.

"Does this happen often? "Xavier asked to nobody in particular.

"They went on long enough without such a display, it was only a matter of time." Kathryn said with a sigh. She seemed to be the one who was most affected by Danielle's sleeping state. Xavier noticed how she was more reserved, silent even and her eyes had bags under them. Xavier wasn't sure how to react around her.

"She will be okay. "He said, trying to comfort her but instead she brushed off his words and stormed out of the house.

"They might not look it but, they are very close, we all are really but, Kathryn and Danielle were even closer, perhaps because they were both girls." The youngest Phoebe said taking hold of his backpack, Xavier was surprised to find him actually addressing him, he paused to look at the younger boy. Xavier gave a curt nod and the younger boy walked off without another word.


"You will pick a partner for this assignment. I want you to find out as much as possible about him or her and write me a report about everything, their likes, dislikes, favourite pass time. Everything you can. " The teacher explained and Xavier felt his heart plummet to the ground. He didn't want some stranger wiggle into his life and try to find out everything about him. He wondered if this woman even understood the very depth of the word everything.

"This will be due in a months time from now. Try to be thorough. " Xavier banged his head against the table and groaned. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and hesitantly looked up. Cyrus sat beside him with a wide smile.

"Hello there, partner." He gave an exaggerated wink which almost had Xavier smiling. "Why so glum? Don't you see what a happy moment this is? You get to ask me questions and I have to answer." He said cheerfully and Xavier sat up with a sigh.

"I really don't want to do that. "He admitted and Cyrus frowned.

"Don't be so grumpy. Enjoy it, take advantage." Xavier stared at him as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"I wonder, why are you excited about this? " Xavier asked with furrowed brows, "I'm basically supposed to step within your personal space. "As though to prove a point, Cyrus inched closer so that their arms were touching.

"That word doesn't register in my vocabulary, Xavier." The way his name rolled off of Cyrus' tongue had Xavier shivering in his seat. He swallowed as an image of Gabriel flashed beneath his eyelids.

"You are going to have to introduce it into it then. "And on cue, the bell rang and Xavier stood fast and basically ran out of the classroom. He could already feel the guilt run through his chest as he thought of Cyrus' shocked expression. He shook his head and headed for his locker. He shut the thing after retreating his lunch considering it was lunch time. He jumped as he turned to find Cyrus standing behind him.

"You know, "Cyrus began," that was very rude, but I found something. "Xavier furrowed his brows." You are angry. "Cyrus said boldly and Xavier felt surprised, he didn't think he was angry, he didn't really feel it, but he didn't interrupt." I don't know why, but I want to know. I saw it in your eyes. "Cyrus stepped closer and Xavier ended up banging against the locker. "The fire, the intense pain beneath the surface, it was there but, it was locked away nice and tight and I, "he pointed to himself." will find the key. "He whispered to him.

Xavier couldn't explain it, but he felt a burning need between his legs at the close proximity of them. He hoped that Cyrus didn't notice.

"I don't kn-"

"It's okay. You don't have to know, Xavier, but know this..."They were touching, everywhere. "I plan to uncover your secrets. I plan to take this very seriously." He winked and stepped back.

"I don't have secrets. "Xavier said and coughed lightly.

"We all have secrets, Xavier, some are just harder to see than others." Then he was gone and Xavier was left with the burning need, not only between his legs but in his mind, he wanted to know this boy who so boldly declared his intentions, who confidently pointed out the faults in Xavier without thought of the aftermath. He wanted to know why Cyrus wanted to know him so badly, and he intended to find out.


It was the last period and Xavier was late. He closed the locker and basically ran down the hall. He might not be the biggest fan of math but, he hated being late. He turned the corner and before he knew it, he collided with a body, sending himself and whoever he had bumped into, falling to the ground.

He wasn't sure how it happened but in the fall, his lips fell onto the stranger's softer lips, they moulded against one another like the perfect piece and Xavier couldn't deny the spark he felt in that brief moment. He pulled away as fast as possible and blinked down to see the familiar turquoise of Cyrus who grinned.

"I knew you had the hots for me. Come here. " Cyrus reached out and grabbed a fist full of his hair. Xavier gasped as he was brought down for another, more deliberate, kiss. Cyrus had his hand entangled in his hair and Xavier couldn't deny that he was enjoying it. Cyrus moved his lips against his and Xavier felt his eyes flutter close as he began to kiss him back. Cyrus moaned beneath him as their mouths moved against one another. Xavier gasped again as he felt Cyrus' strong hand squeeze his ass. Then a tongue was thrust into his mouth and he tasted the sweet citrus taste of Cyrus. Xavier pulled away feeling flustered and out of breath. He couldn't believe that had happened.

"I can't believe it..."He mumbled. Cyrus grinned.

"Best first kiss ever. "He said and Xavier kneeled above him.

"Liar." Xavier said, his face heating up. "I can't believe you kissed me." He whispered.

"Believe it, and besides, you kissed me back. " Xavier glared. He remembered earlier and groaned before standing to his feet." This is...ugh. Stay away from me, Cyrus. "

"No can do, love. I told you that I will be pealing layer after layer of secrets off of you and I meant it." They were standing now and Xavier was still flustered, he didn't know how he should feel. He hated that he loved it, he wanted to forget it even happened, he was even contemplating never showing his face in school ever again.

"I don't like you. "Xavier lied through his teeth and saw how Cyrus' expression softened.

"I do like you." Xavier growled and moved passed him. He had had enough for one day, in fact, he had had enough for a life time , he didn't need to be bothered with this...he wouldn't be.

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