Awaking Monsters/Friendly Killers & Not Friendly Ones

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???'s POV

 We sat there for almost a century, and now my brother decides to visit us, to tell us we get to come out? That's a feeling you cannot describe in words. It better then words, or just seeing it with your eyes. I changed into my human form and ran over to my brother and hugged him. He cautiously hugged me back, trying to keep the blood on his hands off of me. I stepped back and looked at him.

 "Tell me exactly what happened," I said. Then I turned back to my friends, who were still in their animatronic forms. "And I want to be alone with my brother, if that's okay with you guys"

  After they nodded and started talking about a plan to help Goldie's friends, me and him walked off to chat. We went off to the old diner, but quickly had to sneak around one of the golden-hued shadows, which were originally Gold's to control, but then Freddy took them from him. They both ran to the stage, pressed a button, then quickly slid down into a trap door. Inside was like a normal living room, and Gold kept it clean, rather then the now underground diner.

 "Okay, now tell me what happened to you? The last time we spoke you wouldn't have even harmed a fly!" I said. He shook his head.

 "I still wouldn't! Freddy hacked into my mainframe and made me want to kill somebody. I ended up killing Jeremy, the night guard, and then I got control again. I need help, we need to make sure Icy won't end up getting hurt, or worst," Gold said to me. I reached over and hugged him.

 "Don't worry. We'll help you Gold. I think it's about time we visit our creator's daughter. I haven't got to see her yet," I said. Gold shook his head quickly.

 "Just to sum everything up, she isn't exactly full human...," Gold said to me.

 "WHAT!? How is this?" I yelled at him.

 "Well, she has magicks like her father and mother did, but uh, she got tested on a while back, and uh, now she is part wolf," Gold said quickly. I looked at him.

 "Fine with me. Now are you gonna waste more time babbling or going to find her and her friends?"

 They ran out.


 In parts and services, I laid in the old Pirate's Cove, in the dark. I was awake, but for some reason didn't feel like getting up to find my friends. I just felt too weak, and I had tried to open the curtains once, but one of the golden shadows came in and threw me back against the wall. I could barely get up to get into a sitting position. After a while of getting tired of that, then having to be quiet because of kids in the day (I tried yelling, but got thrown into the wall. Again.) I just laid down onto the floor of the Pirate's Cove stage on a bed of netting that at least one of the gold shadows left.

 I sighed, had already counted all the stars on the cove curtain for the seventh time. Soon I heard footsteps, but didn't care. I had heard footsteps so many times, and it was normally one of my friends, still under control of Freddy. Either that, or it was Freddy, coming to make sure I wasn't dead yet, or that one of his shadows hadn't stuffed me into a suit. This time I sat there, turned my head towards the curtain and flipped over, onto my stomach, and into a sitting position. This time I'm guessing... Foxy. I haven't seen Foxy in a while, so I bet it's Foxy, I thought, guessing who it was each time. Since the footsteps stopped, I guessed they were maybe talking quietly enough that my wolf ears couldn't hear it. Well, until there was a loud THUNK heard from outside of the Pirate's Cove. I quickly shot over and hid behind a few large crates. The last time I heard a thunk outside, Freddy had punched Golden, then Golden teleported off. I didn't want an enraged Freddy to grab me again. So, I sat there, barley breathing and moving and pulled my hoodie over my ears and curled up my legs to my stomach.

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