Chapter 30

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A/N: picture made by @deviation- 💕

Mr. Rossi and I didn't talk throughout the plane ride, and after we'd went on our own, I was greeted with an angry mother and a fuming father.

"Really, Madelyn? You slept with a man? Your friend's father? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Everything." I replied curtly, though inside there was bomb in my chest, threatening to blow up, my emotions preparing to explode in chunks and pieces.

Thank you, Angelica, for informing my parents of my sexual activity.

"You think this is funny? Will it still be funny when I confiscate your phone and rid your chances of ever hanging out with your friends? Jen won't ever step foot in this house again, nor will Teresa. I don't think she'd want to, anyways, since you had sex with her father!" My mother quipped, her aging face reddening with anger.

I let out a long, grueling laugh. "You're the one who raised me. Momma, this is on you."

My father cleared his throat. "You are a sad excuse of a daughter."

All at once, acrimony plummeted throughout my body, and all of the emotions I'd been bottling up came tumbling out of my mouth. "I am? You're a sad excuse of a father. I shouldn't have had to see you fúck a whóre on the kitchen counter! I was a kid, dad. A fúcking kid."

My father's mouth bobbed open and shut like a fish.

My mother turned to my fearful father.

"John? What the hell is she talking about?"

"It was a long time ago-"

"Oops," I interrupted, giggling like a maniac. "Did I just fúck up your marriage, too? My bad- maybe you shouldn't fúcking criticize me when you are the opposite of perfection!"

And then I stumbled up the spiral staircase, back into my bedroom where I slammed the door shut and pounced onto my bed, staring at my messy room, clothes splayed across the mattress, unopened suitcase still perched on the corner of my bed.

And I stared. I didn't másturbate and I didn't sleep, though both of those options were usually my resources for relaxation, but instead I stared up at the ceiling like a moping little girl, mad because she couldn't get her way.

Did I feel bad? No; I simply didn't care anymore. I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, but then I figured that I shouldn't care about that, either, so I didn't.

I let the night pass by, the stars come out and hide again, the sunrise spilling over the sky, morphing into a bright blue. And all this time, I wondered what Mr. Rossi was doing.

I wondered if he missed me like I was missing him.


When school fell back into its daily routine, I gathered my usual facade of confidence as though it were something I could pick up and put on, like an outfit. In a way, it was just like that.

They say change is good for the soul, but I disagreed. If anything, I was more promiscuous than I was before.

Before meeting him.

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