Chapter 12

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I had so much fun reading all your comments on who you think is better. So far it's either team 'I still love Trent! Seth is evil!' or team 'Seth is so nice! I love him!' and then there are those of you who can't decide just yet. 

Maybe after this chapter you'll change you're mind. . . 



A sigh escaped my lips as my mind blanked. My eyes were still closed but I could feel myself waking up. Begrudgingly, I opened my eyes and quickly resented my decision as the sun came pouring through.

“Stupid bright lights always hurting my eyes,” I moaned sourly, rubbing my eyes. I yawned softly and sat up to face the morning sky. It was a clear day and the sun was shining directly over top of me.

I rubbed my head trying to get rid of the pounding headache I had from sleeping on a rock. But nothing worked. I guess this is what I get for falling asleep in such an awkward position. I sat back down and rolled around trying to relax. Whoever in the world is stupid enough to drop a small fragile girl onto the hard rocky ground obviously has never had a girlfriend. The thought made me instantly think of Trent. Maybe he was here. It would be like him to do something like this.

Who am I trying to kid. There’s no way Trent could possibly find me in the middle of nowhere in this damned jungle. Seth.

That’s probably the one who left me on the ground. And I thought he was the considerate one. Guess him and Trent have more in common that I would’ve guessed.  

For some reason I felt very fidgety and couldn’t stop myself from moving around. Maybe it was because I was nearly killed last night. Or because I actually made it out of that situation alive. Whatever it was it was stopping me from falling back asleep

With a sigh I decided to at least find Seth so he could at least explain to me how to get back to the plane. A sudden excitement bubbled in me as I realized I might actually get some answers about who Trent is.

I jumped up with a rush and staggered almost tripping just as fast. Okay, let’s get some answers without trying to trip again. I looked around quickly scanning the trees. I was in the center of what looked like a canopy of trees. Vines surrounded the entire perimeter and nothing was visible on the other side except for where the sun was coming through.

I took off in a run and headed straight through the vines. The sun shot in my eyes blinding me but I continued to run to the other side of the trees. A smile broke onto my face as I faced the pool of light. I turned abruptly to look around taking a step and falling all in the same second.

A scowl replaced my smile and I rubbed my head. I hit something hard, like a brick wall. What’s a brick wall doing in the middle of the jungle? A laugh interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see Seth shaking lightly.

He had a smile on his lips and was trying to hold back the rest of his laugh. I glared up at him but he just laughed harder.

“Your. . . face!” he said in between breaths. “You were smiling . . . then just fell!” He shook laughing harder and I continued glaring my piercing gaze at him. Stupid ass. He is just like Trent.

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