High (sequel to unrequited love)

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A/N: so my poem unrequited love is one of my more popular poems. That was before the relationship took place between the narrator and the narrator's love. This poem is like how the narrator reacted to the relationship that had been created fell apart. I hope you can point out the similarities and differences between the two

Another night I spend alone

Gazing up at the stars above

The way they twinkle and glow

They remind me of your spark

The same stars that you sleep under

Sleeping soundly, carelessly

Meanwhile, I have not slept in days

My vision flooded with your memory

Maybe with one last drink, I'll realize

Your face is just another under the stars

Maybe with one last pill, I'll sleep

Sleep without the fear of waking up

You were the high that I got

Every day we were together

I crave to feel you once more

Ecstasy is nothing compared to you

So I'll lie under the moonlit sky

Praying one day I'll close my eyes

And find peace once more

Without needing to find another high

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