7: A Little Run-In With Dusk and Sanguine

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Skulduggery and the Dead Men, plus Valkyrie and Tanith, were out. They had gone 'fighting crime', her father had said sarcastically. She was still weak, so she had to stay with Professor Grouse. His assistant, Clarabelle, was singing and dancing around to herself. Her voice was soft, but she sang on all of the wrong notes. And it didn't help October's headache.

"Clarabelle please shut up. The poor girl's not looking too good." Said the professor.

"Just a headache, professor, I've been hurt worse." Says October, dismissing.

"Chew this and remember to drink plenty of water." Said Professor Grouse, giving October a leaf. She chewed if the leaf as the headache slowly slipped away.

"Professor?" Asked October, "Where is everyone?"

"They're looking for Baron Vengeous. One of the Sanctuary agents have been killed, they think, by the Baron." He grumbled and walked to wherever he was going, Clarabelle leaving down some other corridor singing to herself.

October thought to herself. It was nice to be back. To have the father-daughter in between her and Skulduggery to build again. She couldn't wait until they'd be like they used to be. Skulduggery seemed to be awkward, but loving, around her. He didn't know why, but she was determined to find out.

The Dead Men, Valkyrie and some boy with stupid hair teleported into the room. They looked terrible. Bruises forming, cuts and gashes bleeding, and Valkyrie looked like something had tried to tear her throat out. The professor quickly rushed Valkyrie away, diagnosing the wound on her neck was a vampire bite. Everyone took their own seats, waiting for Professor Grouse to come and fix them up. Dexter sits on the end of October's bed.

"What happened?" October asked quietly.

"We had a little run-in with Dusk and Sanguine. They're in a worse state, but they got away. Dusk also had a pack of Infected with him." Dexter replies.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Maybe I need a stitch or two but I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm good. A few headaches here and there but it's only my magic surging back into me. It'll stop by tomorrow." She replies. "How's my dad?"

"He's fine. Nothing extreme. The most he suffered is a torn up suit, and to him, that's traumatic enough. He said so himself, he really likes that suit." Dexter laughs a little, October joining quietly.

"Sounds like dad. Is he still a sarcastic piece of work?"

"Yeah. Before he killed Serpine, Serpine was about to kill him, Serpine being Serpine he had asked your father, 'Any last words?' or something like that and your dad replied with that he had big ears." October smiled when she learned that her father was the one to kill Serpine.

"Funnily enough, the day that Serpine started torturing me, he was trying to intimidate me so I told him that he had big ears. Now I know how alike my dad and I are." She laughs.

"I'm really glad that you're back. I've missed you so much, October. Not a day went by that I didn't think of you and what we could have been if you were never taken away." Dexter whispers.

October had no idea on what to do or say. She was smiling, his words were sweeter than honey. His voice was softer than the finest silk. His eyes were pools of navy blue and his skin was a pale cream with a healthy glow to it. His muscles were in all of the right places and of the perfect size, not too small an not too big. He was sexy. Wearing a black button-down shirt and blue jeans. He had a few days worth if stubble and his blond hair was soft. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbow. His jawline was sharp. Dexter Vex was a very attractive man indeed.

"I never stopped wondering of what we could have been. I've really, really missed you, Dexter. I really have." October whispers quietly.

Dexter slowly moves to sit next to her. He had a long cut on his hand and a few small scratches on his left cheekbone, all of which were still bleeding. October looked at him, those cuts looked like they hurt a lot. Dexter puts his arm around October's shoulders and she sank into him, melting with the contact they shared.

"Awe, look at the lovebirds. I hear a baby's cry and wedding bells already!" Saracen teased them. Shudder, Ravel, Ghastly and Valkyrie laughing at him. Skulduggery stayed silent.

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