Fourteen-The Letter

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Dear Connor,

It's been great getting to know you this summer. I still can't believe I know you. A year ago, if Avery had told me this would happen, I never would've believed her. This is a total and complete dream come true. 1000% all the way :)

Anywho, about earlier today, I don't believe you. It's impossible to like a freak like me. There, I said it. The word people have been too polite no to call me. Freak. But that's what I am. I'm not just writing this to break your heart but to tell you I can't get anymore attached to you than I already am or fall farther in love with you. I think it's for the best if we just try to forget we ever met each other. Forget I ever went to your concert, forget running away and you following me, forget ever learning anything about each other, for get meeting you. Forget everything. I know it won't be hard for you to forget because you see millions and millions of girl's faces each day but it will be loads of trouble for me.

Anywho, I see the way you look at your pretty fans that just absolutely adore you. I mean, who could blame them. You're you :) You light up the room wherever you are with your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your presence. So to help you out with forgetting I ever existed, I changed my number, deleted my instagram, my twitter, my facebook, everything. I hate to even say this, but I deleted all our pictures of us.

So, I guess this is it. I hope you meet a girl you can love to the fullest, with all your heart. I hope you find the one and start a great life and family with her. Maybe, have a few kids, name one of the boys after you. We need more people like you in the world :)

I know how bad this looks. Me telling you goodbye in a letter. But truth be told, I don't have the guts to say it to your face. I also know with you being your stubborn self, won't believe any word of this letter but just accept the cold hard facts. Anywho, I hope you have a great life and good luck to you and your brothers (but mostly you :) shhh don't tell Riley I said that)


Serenity <3

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