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"Serenity," my mother's voice echoed through the house.

My dad and Zach are out doing some father-son bonding trip. It's much quieter around the house without the faint sound of multiple tools coming from the garage and the sound of Zach's rap music pounding through his speakers from his room. Yes, we girls are very quiet.

"Yes mom?" I yelled from upstairs. I walked to the steps and thumped down the stairs as my foot hit each step.

"This is the 8th time Avery's called. You have to pick up the phone at some point," my mother said handing me one of the house phones that is now lit up with Avery's name.

"No. What she did to me was rude and unlike her. I've seen her annoyed with her mom but she was never that bad. Mom, she promised me she'd translate for me when we talked to Connor. And did she? No. Her attitude was different and she said things that offended me and she knew it would offend me. It's like she turned into a demon," I defended.

"Hmm, I see. I understand she hurt you and in multiple ways but you can't just sit around ignoring her phone calls," she said as we went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you have to work this out. You girls are the best of friends-" I cut her off.

"Were," I said. The phone started ringing again.

"ARE and you have to let her know that what she said to you was uncalled for and it really hurt your feelings," she said.

"Serenity, it's Avery," Sierra said poking her head thoroughly the doorway.

I turned and looked at my mom. She gave me a smile and she was probably thinking, "this is your chance."

I sighed and shook my head. I got up from the couch and trudged past Sierra and the phone in the door way up to my room. I shut my door and flopped on my bed. Probably should've locked my door too. Sierra walked in and plopped down on my bed next to me.

"What?" My voice cracked. I put my hands over my eyes and rubbed them. I haven't even been awake that long and I'm already tired. Oh yeah, and my headaches back. And it won't go away!

"You know what I'm about to say," she sighed. "You know you're not doing the right thing by ignoring her. You need to talk to her, work things out."

"UGH, you sound just like mom!" I screamed and pulled a pillow over my head.

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you'd just give her a second chance. I understand where she's coming from and-" I cut her off.

"But you don't understand where I'm coming from! You have nothing wrong with you! You're the perfect child! The prettiest, the wisest, and everybody loves you! You have no idea how I have to live my life!" I screamed. My eyes were stinging with tears I couldn't hold back any longer.

"You're right. I don't understand. But I'm not perfect. I've got flaws. Lots of them. Everybody does," she started. "And just because I don't know how you live your life with Selective Mutism doesn't mean I don't know anything about it. I understand it's hard not being able to speak for yourself. And that it's hard to communicate with people when they have not one clue about sign language. But you'll always have one of us with you. Which brings me back to Avery. Cutting her out of your life means your losing another translator. And your best friend. Who are you going to turn to when I'm gone and Mom's busy with work and you want to go out and...go shopping or just do something? You won't have an Avery to push you to try on adorable outfits and go on outrageous adventures through life together," she said. "Don't cut her out of your life," she whispered glassy-eyed.

That's it. That's as long as I could go without breaking down. I sat up and started sobbing. Sierra pulled me into a hug and I think she was also crying but I couldn't tell because I was shaking so bad. I cried into her shoulder knowing she was trying her best to comfort me. I knew it was hard for her to understand exactly what I was going through because this was such a rare disorder. She knew it was tough for me do go through this on my own without anybody to help me along the road. I'm so lucky to have an older sister who loves and cares about me as much as she does.

I sat up straight and wiped away the rest of my tears. Sierra did the same. I smiled and reached for the land line phone each of us has in our room. Sierra rubbed my back for a few seconds and stood up and left while I was dialing Avery's number.

After I pressed call, it rang. And rang. And rang. Voice mail.

It's okay. I've been dodging her calls so if she wants to call me back when she's ready, she'll do it.

I walked downstairs rubbing my head. I hadn't had anything to eat yet so I went to the fridge and took a few grapes from the bag and popped them in my mouth. Went over to the medicine cabinet, got an Ibuprofen and popped it in my mouth with some water and swallowed. That's been my daily routine for the past week because my headache won't go away. Why do I keep taking Ibuprofen if they're not helping? Ask my dad. He's too cheap to schedule a doctor's appointment which is probably what this headache needs.

"Honey, is that headache still bothering you?" my mother asked walking into the kitchen. I nodded.

"Honey, it's been bugging you for a few days now, hasn't it?" she asked stroking my hair. I nodded again.

"But dad said 'I'm fine and he doesn't need to waste money to go see a doctor to tell me I'm fine and there's nothing wrong with me,'" I quoted ?my father from a few days ago.

"Well if it's been bugging you for more than a week you're obviously not fine," she said grabbing her keys and purse.

"What are you doing? Dad said no appointment," I said confused.

"Well here's the time when you ignore everything your father said and drop everything and take you to the doctor," she said walking to the door.

"Sierra! We're going to the doctor, we'll be back soon!" my mother hollered as she was on her way out the door.

We heard the sound of footsteps racing down the stairs. When she finally got to us, she was out of breath.

"Is this trip for Serenity?" she asked. My mother and I nodded. "I'm coming too."

All three of us girls walked out of the house to the car. We got in and drove to the doctor's office. It wasn't too crowded but not completely empty. My mom went up to the window and got the clip board to fill everything out for this appointment while Sierra and I went to sit in the chairs in the waiting room. She asked me all the questions that concerned me that she didn't know the answer. She turned the clip board back in once we were finished and as soon as I knew it, I was being taken back to a doctor's office.

He did the usual check-up on me. The eye test and the hammer knee thingy. Am I the only one whose .knees hurt when he does that? He didn't seem to see anything wrong until he got to the ear check. That worried me a little bit. Actually, no, A LOT!

After he finished doing all the usual tests and got me to calm down when he did the ear test, he left to fully diagnose what I had, if I had anything. I knew I had something. It's always something.

He came back shortly and explained all of this to my mom and my sister. I was kind of zoned out but could still hear things like, "headache," "hearing," "doesn't look how it should." That kinda stuff. To me, it didn't sound good. But to my mom and Sierra, I'm guessing it sounded worse by the looks on their faces.

My mom knew I zoned out. I do that a lot. She's used to it. I gave her a confused look. She wiped away a tear and said, "Basically what he's saying is-" the doctor cut her off. The tears started welling up before he even said what he did. I already knew what he was going to say.

"You're losing your hearing, and there's no way to stop it." And I am only 18.

I'm losing my hearing. And there's no way to ever regain your hearing. I'm going to be deaf.

Hey just wanted to say this chapter is dedicated to @BYEkendallll. 4 L's. She's been helping me out a little bit with Mute. and I think she deserves this as a small part of a reward!!! If you're not already following her, GO FOLLOW HER!!!! She's awesome!!!!! She also has an AMAZING Toby fan fiction called 'For You' so go check that out too!!! Alrightly then!!! :$)

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