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Can you guess where we are? And have been for the past six hours talking about how the dinosaurs died? Yup, you guessed it. On the couch. AT STARBUCKS!!!! *confetti and balloons rain down* Congratulations, you've just won NOTHING! Actually, I'll buy you a gift card. :) Cause I'm nice like that :D

"NO they didn't! They died because the t-rex and stegosaurus got into this huge fight and all the other dinosaurs picked a side and started the dinowars!!!" he said reenacting it with his hands. "And they fought until DEATH!!" he said shaking a fist in the air.

No, I signed shaking with laughter. I couldn't control myself with how "seriously" he was taking it. I wonder if he takes acting classes or took acting classes, or if he IS just that way... They died because a meteor struck the Earth and killed them all.

"Said who?" he asks folding his arms.

Said me, I signed back.

"Well, your way is BOOOOO-RING!!!!" he said getting in my face. I just giggled and tried to push him off but he kept coming back. He stopped and went back to sitting on the couch, his back up against the back and his arm resting on top of the couch. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and may have slightly blushed...

I'm gonna go get another round. You want one? I signed.

"One grande Peppy Mocha please!" he said cheerfully with an extra cheesy grin.

I walked up to the counter and ordered two more drinks. Camille was working today. I walked over to wait for our drinks when they were finished and bumped into something, hopefully it was a someone and not a random pole in the middle of the place.

I can confirm it was a someone. I started to open my mouth to say something but I knew I couldn't. I looked up and in a 6"0-6"1' figure stood above me. I looked up at his sandy blond hair and his piercing blue eyes and melted the way I do when I look at Connor.

"Sorry, pardon me," he smiled and winked.

I blushed. I walked to the counter & stood there waiting for my drink. While I was waiting, the guy I bumped into kept glancing at me and smiling.

Glance. Smile. Glance. Smile. Glance. Smile. Over and over and over again.

Finally they gave me my drinks. I picked them up and walked over to Connor with I'm guessing, a pretty big grin on my face.

"What's the grin for?" he asked friendly.

What grin? I signed. Then I realized I was smiling.

"What's got you all happy? Is it the 7th round of Starbucks?" he asked poking me in my side. I could squirm all I want, no matter what I did, it would still tickle.

Once I hit him enough to make him stop, I glanced over at the mystery guys way. Yep, he was watching me. Kind of creepy but I don't mind because he's cute.

Connor followed my eyes and saw what I was looking at. He kind of frowned but immediately smiled again, put an arm around me, and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't help but turn BRIGHT red. Connor glanced the guys way and the guy was still eye-flirting with me.

"So," Connor said clearing his throat and breaking the connection. "I've been meaning to tell you...."

I looked at Connor. He was concentrating really hard, trying to find the right words to say.

"What I'm trying to say is...." he started. "Alright, that's it." He took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly.

"I...I think I like you. A lot. For a while now. I love being around you. And I miss you when I'm not. So I think what I'm trying to ask you, will you do me the honor of letting me take you to dinner?" His eyes were full of hope. He let out a big breath. "I'm glad I finally got that out." He smiled still with hope.

Like on a date? I signed.

He smiled really big and nodded.

I thought we were already going on a date to the ARTTM concert, I signed with a wink.

"Yes, but this is more of a formal date," he said smiling. "Like at a fancy restaurant."

Oh going fancy are we? I smirked.

"Yes. So will you?" He asked his eyes sparkling.

I hesitated for a second.

"Come on, you know you want to! And plus how can you say no to this face?" He asked pointing to his puppy dog face.

I'll think about it, I signed smirking.

"But--" he started. I cut him off.

It's not a no is it? I signed.

"No, I guess not," he answered hanging his head but still smiling.

Okay, then I think I better get home before I get banned from Starbucks for trying to stay here longer than my welcome, i.e. closing time, I signed getting up.

" Noooooo, staaayyyyy. Just a few more minutes!" He whined lazily. He grabbed my wrist and I pulled him up from the oh so very comfortable Starbucks couch. He groaned and I laughed. I drug him out to the car and he drove me home.


I got on my computer and checked everything needing checking. Facebook, Instagram, snap chat (but of course that was on my phone), and twitter. Everything was fine except for one thing I saw on twitter.

I started crying and couldn't stop. The threat was just too much. I can stand the hate but death threats are crossing the line. So that's when I got my pen and a piece of paper.


I walked to his house. It was getting close to being dark out and the wind was blowing like crazy. I grabbed a jacket before I left, & it's a good thing too. My hair whacked me in the face so many times thanks to the wind. I think one time even left a mark. I

got to his house and thankfully he didn't park in the garage. I walked over to it and lifted up a windshield wiper and placed and envelope addressed to 'Connor' under it. I hated doing that to him. Inside the envelope was a letter that read:

Mute. *A Before You Exit-Connor McDonough Fan Fiction*Where stories live. Discover now