Chapter 10

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Thursday: As I was sat behind the counter with no customers and no shelves to stack I finally had nothing else to distract myself with “What’s wrong Willow?” Mrs B asked softly

“Oh, nothing much Mrs B,” I sighed head falling into my hands. It’s my fault, it has to be, maybe I suck at kissing, maybe he realised he’d prefer being with Becky she sounded gorgeous

“Ok, go home,” Mrs B told me with a sigh “There isn’t much more to do today I’ll see you tomorrow,”

“Oh right,” I pulled on my hoodie “See you tomorrow,” I remembered I said I would go shopping so hopped onto a tube trying to make myself look presentable in the glass reflection. I pulled my hair out of its bobble and removed my glasses with a sigh and fluffed out of my hair someone plonked themselves down next to me with a sigh and I turned to see Betsy “Oh, hi,”

“Hey,” she smiled “Are you ready for this?”

I smiled “Is she really that bad?”

Betsy raised an eyebrow “Did she not ambush you the other day at Hunter’s?”

I remembered her backhanded gossiping “Well yes, but a girl can’t be like that all the time,”  

“The ice queen can, she belongs in Supernatural I tell you,”

I laughed softly “Then I’ll prepare myself,” Betsy shook her head at my naivety which just made me laugh even more forgetting about Ethan for a moment even if Betsy was his best friend. As soon as we arrived at Bond Street we were both engulfed in a hug from Lindsey as Eve stood by crossing her arms and rolling her eyes

“So I thought we could go to Top Shop and the usual places before going to Starbucks,” Lindsey planned as we walked through the busy streets being bumped and shoved around. Betsy linked her arms with me so we wouldn’t get separated, or for protections as we entered the first shop and Lindsey instantly started throwing clothes in our directions “You’re about an 8 right Willow?” she looked over me and I instantly felt self-conscious something I rarely felt.

“No I’m a 10,”

“Me too!” Lindsey said excitedly like it automatically meant we were best friends, she continued to throw clothes in Betsy and my direction, since Eve had disappeared off to do her own shopping, before shoving us into the changing rooms. That girl was crazy. Finally Betsy and I were allowed to relax into the comfy seats at Starbucks while Lindsey and Eve got our drinks, the girls had definitely taken my mind off Ethan. This was the first girly day I had ever had and I was pretty sure it was Betsy’s first time as well, she looked like she was about to have some sort of heart attack as she looked over all the clothes she had bought

“I don’t even know what I’ve bought,”

I laughed softly “Well it all looked awesome on you,” I promised and her pale cheeks burned slightly before she began texting someone. Lindsey placed a tray down on the table and sighed with content

“Hot chocolate for Willow, coffee for me and Eve, and mocha for Bet,” she handed out the drinks and there was a pause as we all took a drink, instantly burning our tongues “So Willow,” Lindsey began, I hated where this was going already “I’ve been meaning to ask all day but I didn’t know if the subject was touchy,”

Eve immediately looked up at the gossip “Touchy? I thought you were all loved up?”

Betsy rolled her eyes so only I could see and I just shrugged to the girls “Nope, nothing touchy,” I put on a fake smile “We’re just friends,”

“But you haven’t seen him all week?” Lindsey raised an eyebrow

“No, we’ve only known each other a couple of weeks, he’s probably busy,”

Betsy frowned “Its Ethan, he’s either with Hunter or with you,”

“Or with Daisy,”

“Then that’s where he’ll be,” I shrugged taking up my drink again so I didn’t have to answer any more questions, Betsy and Lindsey looked at each other for a moment before moving the conversation on to Hunter and Lindsey’s anniversary. Eve continued to roll her eyes throughout the conversation but surprisingly Betsy talked deeply with Lindsey about their plans without a hint of pain in her expression, I swear Ethan told me that she had a thing for Hunter. When the time came to say goodbye to the girls, Lindsey and Eve hopping on one train and Betsy and I on another, Lindsey hugged us both and told us we would have to do it again soon while Eve was halfway to the platform.

Betsy plonked herself on a free seat on the tube; the carriage was quiet so I took a place next to her “Well you took that well,”

Betsy blinked at me “What?”

“The whole anniversary thing,”

“Oh, nah I’m over that now,” she waved it off like it was nothing


“Yeah,” she looked a little embarrassed for a moment “I think I’ve met someone else,”

“Oh really,” I didn’t know when I turned so girly but Betsy was nice to talk to Ethan was right when he said I’d get on with her

“Early days,” she smiled tying up her ginger locks “and I know what Ethan and Hunter are like when they find out I like someone,” she shook her head “they turn into over protective brothers,” I smiled softly, I knew how much Ethan loved her, everything brought me back to Ethan “Don’t worry Willow, he’ll get back to you, I know Ethan better than anyone, and well if he doesn’t he’ll be mad,” she gave me a knowing look and I put on a smile again

“I don’t mind really, I’ve lasted thus far without anyone I’m used to it,” we were at my stop now so I stood and headed for the doors

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Betsy called after me “You’ve still got me Will,” I grinned at her as she waved goodbye and was whisked away into the dark tunnels. 

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