Chapter 18

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Lindsey and Betsy were very excited about the weekend. The two girls and I went for a coffee, well a hot chocolate since I didn't drink coffee, on Wednesday since Lindsey's friends all cancelled on her and she was pretty put out about it. Too cheer her up Betsy and I got her onto the subject of the weekend and then the two didn't stop talking about it! "It's going to be so nice to get away from the city," Lindsey was saying as she drank her third coffee. That's when I realised maybe she should have had decaf cause she was getting extremely pumped about the whole thing.

"I know what you mean," Betsy grinned a secretive smile that I raised an eyebrow at "what?"

"Nothing it's just that smile was more than just a smile about getting out of the city," Lindsey turned to Betsy copying my expression


"There is nothing to 'spill' I just met a guy and he's nice, that is all," she tried to use her that's that tone but she was up against a girl who had had enough caffeine to take down an arms and well me who was extremely nosy for a quiet girl.

"Puh-lease! That is a load of bull, come on we won't tell the boys," meaning Ethan and Hunter who were planning a video or something, Ethan had been pretty vague about it over text.

"Anyway what about you and Ethan that has to be more interesting than me," Betsy put the attention on me and I quickly held up my hands trying to deflect it

"Whoa! Don't put the light on my Bets you're the one with the juicy gossip,"

Unfortunately Lindsey had already set her sights on me "Yes come on Will tell all,"

I blushed "we're taking things slow,"

"And moving in together," Betsy added I shot her a look as Lindsey went off on one tell me how cute that was

"It's seriously no big deal," I promised them but there was no stopping Lindsey. She was such a nice girl but her head was more in the clouds than Betsy's was who seemed down to earth compared to her. I shook my head not know what I had let myself in for with these two.

Across the city, in his mum's small cafe, Hunter was getting a full debriefing from his best friend about the amazing Willow. "I swear she's just perfect." Ethan summed up with a sigh

"As I've heard mate," Hunter grinned so happy that his friend was finally smiling like he used to "So do you think this weekend will be the right..."

"No," Ethan said before Hunter could even finish "we're taking things slow Hunter so no freaking her out with your talk ok?"

Hunter gasped dramatically "I don't know what you take me for mate," but his grin told Ethan everything

"Stop it," he warned

"Well you will be rooming with her,"

Ethan thought for a moment "I haven't even thought about the hotel,"

"I swear sometimes you're not a dude." Hunter muttered

"No I'm a gentleman there's a difference." Ethan rolled his eyes still thinking "she'll just room with Betsy, problem solved,"

"You want to go slow that much,"

Ethan nodded "yes, she's special to me mate I want her to know that I really like her,"

"And banging her brains out wouldn't do that," this comment earned a slap from Ethan

"Come on let's get the tube and meet the girls." He shook his head leaving his friend in the small cafe as he did. When they arrived at the Costa they knew the girls were in Ethan instantly found them across the busy tables. Willow was laughing as Lindsey told her and Betsy a story, her face was alight as she giggled and Ethan grinned just watching her for a moment before Hunter pushed him out of the way and made his way over to the girls who looked surprised to see him. Ethan instantly saw Willow glance around the cafe until her brown eyes fell on him and she smiled even wider than she had already been. It took Ethan a few moments to finally be able to walk after that smile had stunned him. He sunk into the chair next to her and kissed her burning cheek whispering "I'm so proud of you," before he turned to the other's conversation.

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