Chapter 3

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I got congratulations all night from subscribers, as we sat at the fancy restaurant dad had taken us to, I looked over all the messages grinning until mum told me off "Darling it's rude to be on your phone at the dinner table," 

"Hey mum even fans of you are commenting now," Charlie announced also on his phone 

"I have fans?" She suddenly didn't look so opposed to us having our phones out 

Dad laughed merrily "Of course you've got fans Marilyn, you are a talented writer." Mum smiled giddily at the comment like she was a school girl again and Charlie rolled his eyes. 

"Anyway they're all saying how amazing it is that you're my mum," I smiled and mum looked even more delighted 

"Oh, maybe I should join your 'channel' more often," Charlie looked to me with a raised eyebrow silently telling me that that wouldnt be 'cool' but I just shrugged 

"Sure thing mum," she clapped and dad cleared his throat raising his wine glass 

"To my very clever daughter getting into her chosen universities," 

Charlie raised his beer and mum raised her red wine "To Willow," 

"To Woody," 

I grinned, cheeks burning from the attention "Thanks guys," Mum and dad talked amongst themselves and Charlie bumped me 

"Check you out Uni student," he smiled but I could see he was upset 

"I've got ages yet," I smiled and he scrunched up his nose 

"I can't believe you're leaving me. What am I going to do without my twin?" 

I gave him a soft smile "You will be fine," I promised "Oh look food," our meals came and Charlie was laughing and joking with dad again, he'll be fine I told myself enjoying my vegetarian lasagne while dad and Charlie tucked into his blood dripped steak "You are gross," 

"There is nothing wrong with a good hearty meal Sweetheart," Dad laughed 

I rolled my eyes "A hearty meal doesn't have to involve blood dripping into the chips dad," 

"It adds flavour," Dad winked and I could have puked 

"David you know how she feels stop, making her so green," Mum laughed despite herself tucking into her hunters chicken, her favourite. 

"Maybe you could do a video on being weird sis, after we do a video together obviously," he flashed a smile at the waitress giving him another bottle and mum was almost beside herself with laugher 

"Oh look at my boy all grown up," 

Dad chuckled "Weren't you going out with that blonde girl last time I checked?" 

Charlie just waved him off "Mel's cool," 

"And that means?" Mum raised an eyebrow wanting her son to be a gentleman, I watched as Charlie flailed a little trying to come up with a 'witty' response that we all knew wouldn't fool mum, I knew I'd better save him before he combust under her stare but I was having too much fun giggling into my wine glass to help, I saw dad doing the same and when he caught my eye our laughter spilled out, making the very respectable diners around us frown and turn their noses up. Mum laughed and Charlie, since he didn't know if he was off the hook or not, grinned. I love my family. 


"Woody!" I heard Charlie called from downstairs, I checked the time and raised an eyebrow he was back early. I headed downstairs to the bottom floor and found him with all of his football team suited and booted from practice, tracking in mud that I knew mum would kill them all for. "We're going for Costa, you want to come?" he asked as he and his friends drew closer, once again my voice was trapped in my throat so I shook my head and shifted awkwardly under the scrutiny of his friends. Charlie frowned "Okay, when I get home we'll watch a movie and eat crap," 

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