Chapter 14

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I entered the electronic and slightly geeky looking shop and headed straight to the counter, a weedy guy about my age was sat behind it with longish dark hair and spots he looked up as I arrived, his name tag read ‘Hi I’m Steve! I’m here to help!’ and I smiled "Hello," 

He blinked slightly "You’re Willow,"

"Um..." I looked around slightly "yeah,"

"You’re a YouTuber,"


"Oh wow!" He grinned "I am a big fan, I totally ship you and ItsEthan," 

"Oh, Thank you?" I raise an eyebrow

"Um so ah what can I do for you today?" he seemed really nervous which surprised me

"I have no Internet, and I wanted to put a video out do you mind if I shoot a little in here?"

He blinked "oh my yeah of course!" I pulled out my laptop from my bag and he gave me the wifi password. I found an empty table in the corner and set off editing still texting Ethan as I did. 

I set up my camera and saw the counter guy watching eagerly.

"Hey there guys, since my grandmother didn't have wifi or any sort of Internet I have found an Internet cafe in this small town, shout out to Steve the first fan I have ever met," there was a cheer and I laughed softly then took a deep breath "anyway the reason I am up here is because my amazing grandmother passed away a couple of days ago," I pondered this for a moment "she was a rather feisty woman," I smirked "so I'm not sad, she had one hell of a life and wouldn't want me to be sad, when my grandfather, her husband and my dad’s dad died when Charlie and I were 13 we were a mess! Then she said "why are you crying for him, why cry for someone who is in heaven a better place," at the time and ever since really I was just amazed at this wisdom until that is I read Twelfth Night in school and found out that's what Feste says to Olivia,"

I laughed lightly

"yep my Grandma ripped off Shakespeare what a woman," I remembered why I was even saying this "oh yeah anyway as I was saying we're up north for her funeral and to say goodbye and sort out a few things, and as we’re clearing out her things my dad gave me this jewellery box,”

From my bag I pulled the box

“What’s in the box? I hear you all call, well,” I opened the lid quickly and pulled out the bundle of yellowed letters “These my friends are love letters from my Grandpa sent to my Nan over 50 years ago,” I looked over the letters and shook my head “there’s nothing bad in them just poems and stuff that my Grandpa wrote to my Nan to try and steal her away from her Fiancée.” I grinned “My Nan, apparently, was so awesome and such a man killer that my Grandpa went after her when she was already betrothed,” I shook my head “I don’t know why she gave me these, all she said was ‘it would make a good movie’ so I think I’ll have to think about this for a little longer.” I continued to smile “So do you still want to be my friend even though my Grandparents were having an affair? See you soon, PS only 2 more days.” I plugged in my headphones and set off editing thinking about the family that would be arriving tomorrow; the second cousins and hundreds of aunts and uncles Charlie and I didn’t really know but apparently knew us. I was nearly done editing when I got a text off Ethan.

Ethan: Do you have internet yet? Think I’m going crazy without your videos to keep me going x

I laughed softly and opened my Skype and video called him. Suddenly there Ethan was, and I couldn't stop smiling "hey," I smiled seeing his bruises looked slightly better than before 

"I miss you," he began without a hello

"I miss you too, but we come back in two days,"

He sighed with relief "have you asked her yet?" I heard Hunter call

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