Chapter 2

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'I love your name Willow! Can't wait to see another video' 'It's so cool that you have a twin brother! ... Is he hot' I laughed at this one and carried on through the hundreds of comments on only one video. Overnight my subscribers had gone up from 108 to 234 I couldn't believe it. Even the 'legendary' YouTuber ItsEthan had left me a comment; apparently this was a really good sign, well according to Charlie anyway. At 9am mum woke me up before she started work on her book downstairs, "You need to get up and go see Mrs Baker about the book shop," I sat up and yawned widely rubbing my eyes. "Come on Willow," she called 

"Yeah I'm getting up now," I pulled my soft blankets off me and stood up shakily eyes still tight shut as I stumbled my way to my en-suite for a shower. I already knew Mrs Baker would give me a summer job she was a lovely woman and needed the extra hand especially when a new order was coming in. I pulled on a hoodie and a pair of jeans before pounding on Charlie's door "You'd better get up for football!" I called; I heard a distant groan and knew he was at least alive in there. Dad must have already been at work so I grabbed an apple before heading out. I checked YouTube on my iPhone 245 well that's creeping up, 'You should watch ItsEthan he's socially awkward as well :)' I laughed to myself and arrived at The Manuscript a tiny little bookshop near Hyde Park a little later. The navy paint was slightly pealing but the name was shining gold above the dust window, when I opened the door a small golden bell rang and I was hit with a smell of musty books. "Mrs Baker?" I called when the counter was empty; I heard a muffled call and set out to search the forest of bookshelves. The bookshelves were ceiling high and created an eerie feel to the shop, the ‘modern’ books were at the front and the further back you went the older the books got. I found Mrs Baker near the medieval section, I didn’t know how far the shop went back but it had to end somewhere. Mrs Baker was a small woman who had to stand on a stool to reach the shelves; she had long grey hair and frail looking hands that surprisingly lifted heavy volumes daily. “Hey Mrs Baker,” I must have startled her as she wobbled on her stool. I caught her quickly and helped her down to solid ground

“Hello Willow dear, what can I do for you today?” she smiled lovingly and we set off for the front counter with Mrs Baker collecting books on the way.

“Well Mrs Baker,” I began hesitantly “I was wondering if you needed any help around the shop?”

Mrs Baker gave a surprised noise “Well of course dear,”

“It will only be for the summer since I go to University in September but I need a summer job, and you need to put your feet up,” I smiled softly

“Sounds perfect Willow,” Mrs Baker smiled warmly then thought for a moment “Report for duty next Monday at 6am and we’ll get started,” I gave a nod

“Until next week Mrs B,” I headed out into the busy street grinning and heading home happily. Charlie was just heading out as I arrived back home

“You get it?” he wondered already running late

“Of course,” I smiled “have a good practice,”

“Laters,” he slammed the door closed which sent mum yelling about being quiet while she was working. I slipped up the two flights of stairs to my room and pulled my laptop onto my lap to look over my comments. I didn’t know how over one night the views could go up that much, most of my new comments were asking to meet Charlie or wondering about my ‘socially awkwardness’ I answered the Charlie comments with ‘He’s excited to meet you too, I’ll see when I can drag him away from his busy schedule’ and didn’t know what to reply with to the other questions so strangely I set up my camera and hit record without really thinking about it.

“Hey guys, how are you?” I waved “Willow here, I’ve had a productive day so far, I got a summer job answered some comments and... well that’s it really, I guess that isn’t very productive but I’m sure if my mum hadn’t woke me up I’d still be in bed...” I shook my head... no that wasn’t right “Hey guys Willow here, I just thought I’d check in to say that I am kind of amazed that I’ve only been in the world of YouTube a day and I already have over 200 views on my last video, which is just amazing, really amazing, I thought maybe I’d hit 200 after a month maybe and gain fans but one night is just crazy...” I thought for a moment “Anyway a recurring question, other than asking if my brother is ‘hot’, is why I am so socially awkward,” I pulled an uncertain face “To be honest I don’t know why but when I’m with people, mostly people my own age I kind of freeze up and become a mute. I’m ok with adults, family and Charlie obviously but anyone else, I trip over my words because I think too much about how much of an idiot I’m going to sound and then I just decide not to say anything at all because it’s less stressful... So this is why I am talking to you, I thought that if I made friends with you guys then I’ll be more able to make friends with other people.” I sighed contently “I think that all made sense, and I didn’t say ‘um’ once. Are you proud?” I smiled “On another note, a slightly less deep and meaningful note, I got a summer job today but don’t worry I’m not ditching you just yet I start next Monday so that will be cool, and yeah, I think that is all until someone else asks me a question and I make another video,” I shrugged lightly “So you’ve heard how weird I am... do you still want to be my friend?” I gave a soft laugh and turned off my camera and got to editing.

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