Chapter 47; Wendy Darling

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" 'It was a mistake,' you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you."

~ David Levithan


Peter's P.O.V


    I lay Wendy down on a soft, makeshift cot. I kneel down next to her, bringing the covers up to her shoulders. I have to force myself to act like I'm fond of the blonde in front of me as she acts like an innocent bedridden girl. I suppress a scoff. The girl is far from innocent.

    She broke countless of my rules and still had the nerve to demand that I keep her brothers safe. She even attempted to coax Felix into get him to help her leave the island. She was foolish enough to think that I was in love with her at one point and tried to seduce me in order to get back to her brothers. I am repelled by her very existence.

    She thinks that she's the queen of Neverland but she's nothing more than a deranged girl.
    "How is she?" Henry asks, breaking my murderous train of thought.
    "I fear she's getting worse, Henry," I say, standing up.
    "But if I save magic, she'll live?"
    "Yes," I say. "But more than that, Henry. If you save magic, you'll save us all. But to do that, you have to truly believe."

    Wendy coughs, breaking the silence.
    Henry nods, turning to face me. "I do."
    "Good," I say. "Because we don't have much time."
    I place my hand on Henry's shoulder. "Follow me."
    Henry glances at Wendy one last time before following me.

    "My brothers!" I shout, stepping up onto a rock so as to get their attention. "Tonight, the dream of Neverland shall awaken from its slumber."
    The Lost Boys stand up, gathering in front Henry and I to hear my speech.
    "Tonight, The Heart Of The Truest Believer shall fulfil its destiny, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!" I announce.

    The Lost Boys clap and cheer at the sentence, applauding Henry. I walk past the crowd and pull Felix aside. "Any sign of Alice?"
    "The Bloodlust Trio found her tracks," he says.
    "You're not going to like it," he tells me.


    "She isn't alone," Felix tells me. "Hunter found six other set of tracks next to hers."
    I let out a frustrated sigh. "Find Andrew and make sure he gets her back, tell him to kill Emma and the others if he has to."
    "Noted," he says walking off to find the said boy.


Alice's P.O.V


    "If you visit Peter's campsite often, why haven't I seen you here before?" I ask Tinker Bell.
    "Because Pan gave me specific instructions to not let you see me," she says. "I was only allowed to go to the campsite to drop off supplies or collect food."

    The sound of leaves rustling stops me from asking another question. The adults unsheathe their weapons and get into a fighting stance. I take a step forward but Baelfire pushes me behind him before I even think of unsheathing Lilith. I expected to see one of the Lost Boys but an middle-aged man and woman emerge from the jungle instead. The group relaxes, lowering their weapons.

    "Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," the raven haired woman says, walking towards us.
    "What are you two doing here?" Mary Margret asks as her husband slips his sword back into its sheath.
    "Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box," she says, gesturing towards the small box in the older man's hands.

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