Chapter 30; Disney Lied, Mermaids Are Vicious Man-Killing Beasts!

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"Those who are heartless once cared too much."

~ Unknown


Hunter's P.O.V


    "Hunter, stop standing there and help us," Andrew whisper-yells, dragging an unconscious Ray.
    "Get over here."
    I make my way over to my brother and help him place the burlap sack over Will's head. Jerome ties the unconscious boy's hands together, a small precaution in case the poppy dust wears off.

    It was Jerome's idea to steal the poppy dust from Tinker Bell to knock the two of them out. Jerome grabs one of Will's arms while I grab the other, we then proceeded to drag him.
    "Why are we doing this?" I whisper.
    "Because Andrew asked us to," Jerome replies.
    "It doesn't feel right to me," I admit.

    Believe it or not, I've always hated what the three of us do. If Andrew asked me to help him in these types for schemes when I was younger, I'd tell him to bugger off. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my brother as Jerome, like Andrew, loves power. Power was, and still is, a drug to him. It started off when the two of us were just kids. Jerome would always pick on the neighborhood children.

    And I, being his brother, followed him blindly, adopting his ways. It was just harmless fun back then, the usual name-calling. But then he started beating up some of the younger kids. I knew I had to do something about it, but how could I? Our father had just passed away and our mother had caught a incurable disease. Picking on kids was the only way to help him cope. So I kept quiet.

    He stopped beating up the other kids up when our mother started getting better. But then, there was an unexpected turn of events. Mother started coughing up blood and she didn't eat as much as she used to. So we called for the doctor, but he couldn't help her. He pulled us to the side and told us that she had a few weeks left, a month if we were lucky, to live.

    Mother died three weeks later.

    The two of us were sent to an orphanage in the neighbouring village as we did not have any living relatives. And if I thought Jerome was bad before I couldn't be more wrong. He started hurting more kids, stealing, it wasn't just harmless name-calling anymore. I tried bringing the subject up, but he'd always brush it off, saying I was overreacting. But I knew better.

    Power was a drug and Jerome was now an addict.

    We met Pan's shadow few years down the road. And after a few days, we left the orphanage to go to a magical place called Neverland. Jerome started getting better, he had stopped hurting other kids. I think it was because of the new environment and people. We finally had a family. Jerome was his old self again. He was nicer and he stopped trying to find ways to hurt other people.

    That was until we met Andrew. You see, Andrew had been doing Pan's dirty work for ages. But at that time, Andrew was a loner, everyone feared him. Everyone except Jerome. He worshiped him. Andrew would sometimes ask Jerome to help him with some jobs that Pan had given him. Those jobs including the ones where he had to punish the younger Lost Boys. Jerome loved it.

    When Jerome started hurting other boys, I knew I had to intervene. So I reluctantly accepted their invitation to join them in carrying out Pan's punishments. After awhile, the three of us became inseparable. We became the Bloodlust Trio, Pan's favorite Lost Boys.

    And just like we were younger, I adopted my brother's sinister ways.

    "Don't be such a wimp," Jerome hisses.
    "There's nothing wimpy about not wanting to kill people," I say, wiping the sweat from my forehead.
    He looks like he's about to say something but Andrew beats him to it.
    "Get over here," Andrew whispers.
    I remain quiet for the rest of the trip, the only noise is the sound of our boots on the rich soil.

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