Chapter 15; We Call Them The Bloodlust Trio

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"We're too young to be this sad."

~ Unknown


Alice's P.O.V


I wake up to the sound of thunder, coming from outside the tent. I turn my body so that my back is facing the tent's entrance. I pull the thick blanket over my head in hopes that it would help drown out the noise of the heavy rain. Wait... How did I even get here? I throw the blanket off me, sitting up on the bed. I don't remember getting into bed last night, or doing anything at all.

Then it everything comes back to me all at once. The bridge, Lewis collapsing, Will calling an ambulance. I place my hand over my mouth, stifling a sob. I have to clench my hands into fists to stop them from shaking so much. Tears soon well in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away.

I can't break down now. Lewis wouldn't have wanted me to do that. He would've wanted me to find a way off this Godforsaken island and get back to Will. I have to do what I do best, bottle up my feelings and move on. Instead of breaking down, I do something else; a natural response all humans make when something bad happens, push the blame to someone else.


If Peter didn't kidnap me I'd be with my friends. Lewis would still be alive. Peter is to blame for his death. I will get off this island. I will find a way back home, even if it kills me. (I will stop pointlessly listing on and on and on...) I'll have to temporarily forget about Lewis's death if I want to survive here.

I tell myself I will count to three, and when I'm done, I'll will move on. One. I picture Lewis's body on the wooden boards, a single tear slides down my cheek. Two. I picture Will bending down, desperately searching for Lewis's pulse. Three. I wipe the tear away with the back of my hand. I have to get off this island. For Lewis.


Ray's P.O.V


I hiss in pain as the older boy's sword nicks my forearm.
"Ouch, that looked like it hurt," taunts Hunter.
I sigh inwardly, he's been doing this for the past hour. Of all the people I could've been partnered to duel with it just had to be someone from the bloodlust trio. No doubt it's Pan's idea for revenge.

At least Pan wasn't so cruel as to partner me up with Andrew, the leader of the trio. The bloodlust trio, as the names implies, has three members; Hunter, Jerome and last but not least, Andrew. Hunter, Andrew's best friend, is the the second best swordsman in the trio -Andrew's the best swordsman in the group.

Jerome, Hunter's brother, is the brains of the trio, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a terrible swordsman. Both Jerome and Hunter are of the same age, but they aren't twins. Hunter has short, blonde hair with bluish grey eyes. Jerome has dirty blonde hair, but unlike his brother, he has bluish green eyes.

Together the three of them make the bloodlust trio. Why do we call them the bloodlust trio you ask? It's because they are the ones who do Pan's dirty work, punishing the younger Lost Boys. But just punishing the Lost Boys isn't enough for the trio. They love to abuse their power by picking on some of the younger Lost Boys.

I am one of those unfortunate Lost Boys. Ironic isn't it? How I came to Neverland, seeking a place to feel like I belong, only to get this treatment instead.
I am jarred from my thoughts when Hunter slams the blunt edge of his sword into my ribs, causing me to fall onto the dusty ground.

I wince as Hunter's foot comes into contact with my abdomen. I close my eyes, curling into a fetal position. This goes on for several minutes. I soon taste a metallic liquid in my mouth.

"Ouch," says Jerome, laughing. "That'll hurt when you wake up tomorrow."
"I think he's had enough for today," says Andrew, holding his hand up. "Pan won't be pleased if we accidentally kill him."
Hunter nods at Andrew's statement. Then kicks me one last time.

"See you tomorrow, runt," spits Andrew, leaving the clearing, the boys following him.
I slowly get to my feet, then spit on the ground. I grimace as I wipe the blood from my mouth. Then I pull my shirt up to check on the damage Hunter did to me. There's an ugly, purple bruise near my ribcage. I sigh, letting my shirt fall back down.

They do this every time. First, they are partnered with you during training. Then, after the other Lost Boys leave for their lunch break, the bloodlust trio will take turns beating you up. Only then do I realise that I haven't seen Alice all day. What happened to her?


Where's Alice?

Just one simple sentence. Come on, Ray, you can ask Pan that. I hold my breath as I walk up to him. I open my month, ready to asking ask him when he interrupts me.
"What do you want, Ray?.
"I-I... Umm..." I sutter, my confidence faltering.

I swallow nervously, then continue by saying, "What happened to Alice? I didn't see her today, is she alright?"
"She's fine, but I don't see how her absence concerns you," he replies sharply.
"Leave my sight," says Pan, dismissing me.
"Yes, Pan," I say.

"Just one more thing," says Pan, stopping me in my tracks.
"Yes, Pan?" I ask, turning around to face him.
"I noticed that you've been spending an awful lot of time with Alice recently," said Pan, crossing his arms.
"Um, yeah. We just talk, that's all," I say.

He narrows his eyes threateningly. "Stay away from Alice. She's mine."
I nod my head, unable to say anything else. I turn to walk away.
"Oh, and Ray?" says Pan.
I turn around, again.
"Yes, Pan?" I say, hoping that this was the last time he'd call me back; and that he would dismiss me soon.

"Alice is not to know about this conversation. Is that clear?" asked Pan, his tone daring me to disobey his order.
I bite my tongue. "Yes, Pan."
"Good." he replies, nodding. "Now leave."

I ponder over what Pan said to me as I walk back to my tent.
Stay away from Alice...
But how can I? I've grown fond of her. Her beautiful smile. Her melodious laugh. Her sassy comebacks.

I shake my head, defeated as I walk into my tent.
"Stay away from Alice..." I mutter, climbing into bed.
I don't realise how exhausted I am until my head hits the pillow, and I'm out like a light.



~ Alice


What do you guys think about the Bloodlust trio?

Would you guys rather Alice be a badass mother -Oops, no cursing- or would you rather she be a shy, easily frightened girl? Or a mix of both?


Vote, comment, rate, do whatever you want <3 xx


Edited: 23.11.2017

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