11. Here comes the crazy chick

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The God who lied on the floor, which was me, didn't fail to embarass myself even further by snoring loudly.
Everyone in the room got annoyed by my snoring, and the atmosphere was heavy. Any secound now, someone would loose their patience and kick me conscious. That someone, seemed to be Yukine, who already stood just a metre away from me, getting his leg kick-ready.

When suddenly a strange noise from outside the house could be heard. It was as if something had landed on the yard.

"What was that?" asked Hiyori who only turned her head around to the entrance door as a reaction.

"Dunno, we're not expecting any more guests." Daikoku said suprisingly and petted Kofuku's head.

"I'll check it out." Said Yukine and walked towards the door and opened it, only to get a terrified expression as he fell backwards while having the feeling of getting killed any moment.

"B-B-Bishamon!" Yukine shuddered as he crawled backwards away from the door.

Bishamon didn't seem very pleased. But she also didn't seem like she was about to kill Yukine.
Kazuma was standing next to Bishamon, along with the lion Kuraha.
Bishamon glared at Yukine and didn't say any words at all.
Kazuma poked Bishamon with his elbow as if he wanted Bishamon to speak.
Bishamon sighed while she looked annoyed by it, she knew what Kazuma wanted from her and it was exactly what she didn't want to do.

"B-Bishamon-san!" Hiyori came running to the entrance and yelped when she saw Bishamon up close.
Bishamon glared at Hiyori as she helped Yukine back up on his feet.
Kazuma murmured something that couldn't be heard and whispered something to Bishamon's ear.
"Perhaps you shouldn't look so intimidating and just say it."

Bishamon furrowed her eyebrows.
"Okay, okay. Argh."
She exhaled and looked more calm now than she did before.

"I just came here to..." The rest of the words couldn't be heard because Bishamon turned her head around and murmured them for herself.
Kazuma threw a fist in mid-air.
"VEENA! You got to tell them now!"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it..." Bishamon snorted.
"I...We came here to...apologize. THERE, I SAID IT!" Bishamon said and snorted yet one more time.

Hiyori and Yukine looked speechless and confused.
"Apologize?" Yukine asked.

Kazuma noticed that Bishamon looked grumpy and thought that she would probably not talk.
So he took it as his job as a guidepost to talk for her.
"For earlier. Fujisaki came in person and told us that Nora cut Hiyori's hair and put it on the crime scene.
He also said that it wasn't you who killed the shinki."

"HE DID?" Yukine and Hiyori spoke in choir.
They obviously thought Fujisaki lied about it all. Therefore they weren't expecting him to be honest for once.

"Yeah. He also said it wasn't him who killed the shinki. He left some details about the culprit that we're going to use to track him down." Kazuma fixed his glasses which made them shine for a bit.
"But, we can't trust that what he's saying is true."

Hiyori and Yukine nodded in agreement.

"This also means that we also can't trust you're innocent completely."

"Oh..." Hiyori and Yukine knew he had a point.

"Right now, we're into the case of finding out who the real culprit is. Therefore, if the clues will lead back to you, then I'm afraid it'll be the end for you. For real."

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