7. Frustration

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"SEKKI!" I yelled as I and Yukine were running away from Bishamon, who was going berserk in an attempt to kill us.

Two long blades appeared in my hands, and I turned around to block Bishamon's attack.

Bishamon attacked using Kinuha's whip, and as I dodged it with Sekki, I jumped back a couple of metres and kept running.

"Yato, where are we going?"
Yukine asked in a worried tone.

"I-I don't know for sure.
We need a place to hide and somehow we got to get to Hiyori before Bishamon kills her."
I said as I bit my lip and looked behind me.

Bishamon was catching up.

But it'd be hard to hide, because with the help of Kazuma, it'd be pretty easy to find us, and I couldn't just run to Hiyori's house, because then Bishamon would go there immediately and kill Hiyori, then she would probably wait for me to get there...

"You're dead now!" Bishamon yelled and pulled out two guns.

"Karuha, Kazuha, kill Yato now!"
She then fired the guns at the same time.
Luckily the bullets missed me, but one of the bullets almost hit Sekki.

"That was close!"
Yukine said.

"DIE!" Bishamon yelled and fired the guns furiously at me.

This was it. There's no way I could dodge these bullets.

But something flashy in the sky made me look up, and when I did, I saw something that looked like an angel from the heavens.

"yaTTY~!" squeaked the 'angel' who was falling down from the sky.

The 'angel' drew a black japanese fan and a vent opened from the ground, causing some phantoms to appear, and the strong sudden pink light to make a good cover for me.

Then I realized this wasn't an 'angel' but Kofuku.

I didn't even get the chance to thank Kofuku, as I quickly used this opportunity to escape.


I ran heavy-breathing, panting into a forest. I figured Bishamon wouldn't search for me in a forest.

I leaned against a tree to catch my breath.
"Return Yukine..."
I said in a calm tone and exhaled.

Yukine appeared next to me and looked around.

"It's actually a kind of good idea to hide in a forest as big as this one, but we should go deeper." Yukine exclaimed and leaned his hands on his hips.

"Let me...breathe...first."
I took pauses when I talked so I could breathe. It felt like my heart would jump out of my chest and run away from both Bishamon and me.

Suddenly, Yukine's expression changed from a calm one, to a surprised one.

"Isn't that-" he began

It surprised me badly and it felt like I'd never get a nice rest.

"No it's- Hiyori?"
Yukine raised his hand above his forehead so he could see better.

【 Stray Ties 】Noragami Yato x HiyoriWhere stories live. Discover now