Chapter 14: A New Rivalry

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A couple weeks had passed since Barry had broken it off with Iris.  He had thought that going back to how it used to be would be perfectly fine. Them living together in the same house and staying friends.  But unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.  Instead, Barry had decided to keep himself buried deep with Star labs and get that case figured out.  Since Iris had told him about Eddie, he was very curious.

Though Iris was sure she was going to regret it, she had been left with no choice but to give Eddie a chance.  She still wasn't exactly sure she should trust him.  But when he had asked her out, she thought it as a moment to keep a close eye on him.  Figure out what he was up to.

When Barry came home that evening, he and Iris had finally crossed paths.  She had just come down the stairs when he opened the door.  He glances up at her giving a small awkward smile.  "Hey..  Look at you..." 

Iris gave a small smile in return suddenly a little shy.  "I'm going out.."  She said a bit awkwardly.  Barry raises his eye a bit.  "As in out out?"  "Yes.  I'm going on a date.."  Barry takes a deep breath hearing the words he just heard from Iris.

"With who?"  He knew he had no right to be nosey with Iris.  But with everything happening in Central City, anything was possible.  Iris hesitated a moment to tell him before she spoke.  "Eddie..."  She said with no expression in her voice.

It took a few moments to register the name.  "Iris...  You can't tell me that you're going to meet him alone..  What about your suspicions...  And..."  "I'm completely fine Barry..  Remember?  I can take care of myself.."  She said in a bit colder tone than  she meant to.  Barry sighed..  "Iris..."  "I'm almost late.."  She muttered then quickly walked out of the house to meet Eddie at the restaurant.

After Iris had left, Barry rushed off towards Star labs.  He needed to find out who this Eddie was for good.  He needed to find out who the reverse flash was once and for all and end the game.  Everything in Barry's life was happening because of him.  He needed to get revenge on this speedster.

Once Barry was at the lab, he went through every file imaginable looking over clues for something that he might have missed.  "Come on come on!"  He growled to himself as he continued to speed read through the information.  Books and papers were scattered around the floor and the table as he hadn't realized what a mess he was making.

"God this place is a mess!"  Cisco said entering the lab stating the obvious.  "Barry what's going on?"  He asked.  "I'm looking for something.  Anything.  What I can use to take down the reverse flash.  But nothing is coming!"  He hissed the last part suddenly getting angry with himself.  He whipped the files of papers he had in his hand across the floor.

"Dude.  Okay okay.  Just relax.  Obviously you're not going to find out this way."  Cisco said holding up his hands looking at Barry. Barry sighed a little and went to pick up his mess.  "Sorry.."  He muttered.

"Cisco.  Can you remember anything else.  Anything that can help.."  Barry pleaded.  He was desperate.  Cisco stayed quiet a few minutes trying to remember anything.

"Wait a minute..!"  He quickly went over to the computer opening the file that Dr. Well's had sent him.  "Let me look at some of those files."  Barry handed Cisco the papers.  He watched nervously as Cisco skimmed through them then watched with worry as Cisco's face paled.  As Cisco continued to read, he let out a small gasp.  "No way!  Look!"  Barry takes the files and looks at where Cisco pointed.  Barry's face matched Cisco's for paleness.  "Cisco.  We need to warn Joe and Iris and fast!"

After visiting with Joe and telling him what they have learned, Barry quickly made his way to Iris.  She was seeing Eddie.  And she was in grave danger.

"Barry!  Can't you see we are busy?"  Iris glared as Barry has interrupted Iris and Eddie's visit.  "I know.  But this is important Iris.  Please.."  He said still taking in deep breaths from running fast.

"Bar..."  Iris stated.  "Please.."  He pleaded.  "I'll make it fast I promise."  Iris sighed.  "I'm so sorry Eddie.  Please excuse me."  Iris got up and followed Barry to a more private section of the house.

"Rude much?"  Iris glared at him.  Barry closed his eyes.  He knew Iris would be mad.  She had every right to be.  But he hated the fact that she was.  "Iris..  We know who the reverse flash is..  Eddie is working with him..."  Barry said quietly so Eddie couldn't overhear.  Iris gasped a little.  She knew something was off.  She knew he was following her for a reason.  But Eddie seemed very good at keeping secrets.  And she wasn't able to get anything out of him.  "What did you find out?"  She asked.

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