Chapter 10: Suspicions

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As each week went on, Barry was getting more and more comfortable with who he was as the flash. Joe had now figured out who he really was. Of course, Joe could always see through Barry, and Barry was never really good at keeping secrets. He was surprised he could keep it from him and Iris this long. He had considered telling Iris multiple times now that Joe knew. But hearing Joe agree with him, that it was best to keep Iris safe in the dark, Barry decided to agree and go with Joe.

Things in Central City began to become even stranger. He still tried to live as much of a normal life as possible still being the flash. But his enemies made that hard for him to do. Not only now did he have other meta-humans attacking him, but now there was a new speedster. It had turned out, Barry wasn't the fastest man alive. This so called the reverse flash was. And he was after Barry. There had been a couple of times in the past week that Barry had to make some excuses and leave Iris on their date. Though he hated to do so.

After Barry had returned home after trying to track down the reverse flash, he spotted Iris asleep on the couch. He sighed a little as he assumed she had tried staying awake for him. He hated dragging Iris along like this. And almost wished the explosion hadn't happened, and that they could be a normal couple, but they couldn't.

Barry slowly walked over and sat down on the small space of the couch that was open and gently placed a hand on Iris' shoulder. He didn't want to wake her as she seemed peaceful. But he knew he needed to explain to her, without her knowing too much. Iris feeling the touch of Barry's hand on her shoulder slowly stirred awake and smiled as she opened her eyes to see him. "Barry.." She said quietly. "Iris hey. I'm sorry to wake you. I just. I just thought that I should explain things." He whispered so not to wake up Joe who was sleeping upstairs.

Iris sat up and looked at Barry studying him a bit. She gave a slight shake of her head. "You don't need to explain. Dad already told me. He said that there was a case that came up and unfortunately he couldn't get it figured out without you. I already know the details of your job Barry. You don't need to explain anything." He sighs a little. Once again Joe had come to his rescue. He was grateful Joe was helping him out making excuses, but it wasn't his call to make. He could figure things out himself. "I know you do. I just feel bad that I keep having to leave during the dates..." He stopped mid sentence glancing away momentarily before looking back at Iris. "I tell you what. How about this Friday. I know you don't work. And I don't work. We have all day to hang out. And catch up." She smiled a little. "I think I would like that." Barry smiled back watching Iris. "You choose the where and what.." Iris nodded a little giving a small grin. "I think I already have an idea. And thank you Barry." Barry smiled back seeing that her mood seemed to be a little better. "Of course." He leaned in slightly giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight Iris." He stood up and began to make his way upstairs to his room. "Goodnight Bar." She mumbled before laying back down to go to sleep.

Cisco just like Caitlin had dedicated most of his time to working at Star labs. In fact. The two of them rarely seemed to ever go home. Cisco was just about ready to close down for the evening when an alert popped up on the computer screen catching Cisco's attention. Thinking it was an alert for a meta-human attack at first, Cisco walked over sitting down on the chair and opened up the computer. "What the?" He said to himself while looking at the case file that had been sent to him. Well Dr. Wells actually. Cisco glanced around to make sure nobody, especially Dr. Wells, was able to see him and started reading some of the information about a certain case that had been sent in. The case was about the resident who had just been recently killed before the explosion. And it seemed very similar to how Cisco heard Barry's mother died. But for some reason as Cisco was reading through the case file, something didn't seem to add up. Why would this file be sent to them on Star labs computer? Especially when Barry had his own office at the CCPD? Couldn't of they just sent it through to his own email if it had been from Joe? And if it had been from Joe. Why would he send such crucial facts here? Unless possibly he thought that the case was connected to one of the meta-humans. Just as Cisco saved it onto his usb drive and closed out of the file, he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him. Cisco jumped a bit and turned around. He placed his hand over his heart and closed his eyes as he saw it was only Dr. Wells. "Dr. Wells. You scared the hell out of me... I thought you had left."

Dr. Wells, seeing Cisco's reaction to him, made him suddenly slightly curious. "Not yet Cisco. I was at one of my meetings. I was just about to leave. Is everything alright? I thought you would have been gone by now?" Cisco suddenly seemed very nervous at the look Dr. Wells was giving him. Though he wasn't sure why. "No no. Everything's cool Dr. Wells. I guess it's just been a long day." Dr. Wells continued to study Cisco but after awhile let it pass. "Uh huh. Have a good night Mr. Ramon." Cisco nodded and got up quickly and rushed out of the room. Once he made it to the elevator he leaned against the door and took a deep breath. Smoothe. Very Smoothe Cisco. He thought to himself. At least he had the drive, and was able to take the information that he found to Detective West.

Dr. Wells watches as Cisco leaves with curiosity. Wondering what had gotten him so riled up. He wheeled himself over to the computer and booted up the screen again. Seeing the opened message, Dr. Wells smirked a little. Cisco was slowly figuring it out. He knew the boy was a genius. But now he was going to have to do something about it. He himself had sent him the file on purpose knowing Cisco would open it. He of course had a plan of his own, and so far it was running according to, and it was about time for him to take the next step. It was something that none of them would ever see coming. Dr. Wells deleted the file so none of the others would be able to reach it. He knew that of course the boy would tell someone. Cisco was never one to be able to keep his mouth shut. But he knew they would have a hard time believing him. After all, wasn't he trying to help Barry gain more speed? So he could supposedly help defeat this reverse flash? But of course he was helping Barry gain his speed for different reasons. Reasons unknown to them that would soon be revealed in all due time.

The next day, before heading to Star labs, Cisco made his way down to the CCPD station hoping he would be able to speak with Joe alone. He had the hard drive with him with the file so he could show Joe. He still couldn't quite believe that this was possible. Once he got into the station, he made his way to Joe's office and knocked at the door.

Hearing the knock at the door, Joe looked up a bit surprised to see Cisco. "Cisco. Come on in." He said standing up as Cisco made his way into the room. "You told me to tell you if any new information came across that I could remember to tell you?" He said a bit nervously. "Oh yes of course of course." Joe walked over to the door and closed it so they could have some privacy. He motioned for Cisco to sit down on the chair then went to sit down across from him on his computer desk.

"What did you find out?" Joe asked looking at Cisco. "Well. Um. Something came to the lab last night. It was a case file sent to our computer." He pulled the hard drive out of his pocket and handed it to Joe. "Look at the date.. At first I thought it was from you.." Joe looked at Cisco thoughtfully and took the hard drive plugging it into the computer. Once the file popped up, Joe saw the photo of Eobard Thawne and a detailed description of the case. It had showed that Eobard Thawne had died shortly after Nora Allen's death, but Cisco was certain this was the guy he saw a couple of months ago. "I didn't send Barry this file. I wouldn't of been able to disclose that information even to you." Cisco nodded. "But thank you Cisco. I'll read through some of the others and see what I can come up with." Cisco stays quiet a few minutes. "It's just that..." Cisco said beginning to think out loud. Joe watched him closely. "What is it?" Cisco looked back at Joe. "Do you think it is possible that Dr. Wells is also a meta-human? I mean. We had that one meta-human remember that if he got anywhere near close enough to touch, he could turn into that person?" Joe nodded. "That is true you did. Then the question is. Who the hell is imposturing Dr. Wells if it isn't Eobard Thawne?"

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