Chapter 3: Awkwardness

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It had been a couple of weeks that has passed by since Barry has finally told Iris how he felt. He was worried that telling her would make things awkward between them. Especially if Iris hadn't returned the feelings. But Iris had returned the feelings. And things still felt awkward.

Barry had once again been working late to avoid some conversations. As he came home just in time for dinner, he smiles at Iris in return as she was sitting up at the table with Joe. "Hey.." She said almost in a shy tone. "Hey.." He quietly sat down in his usual spot and began to dish his plate. Joe gives both of them a look. "Okay. I wasn't going to say anything. But this has been going on for awhile now. Is something going on between the two of you that I don't know about?"

Barry glances up at him. "What? No. No nothing's going on. Everything's normal." Joe watches the two of them closely but leaves it be.

After dinner was finished and Joe was busy with getting the dishes done, Barry pulled Iris aside. "Hey... Can we go and talk somewhere?" "Yeah. I think that would be a good idea." The two of them grab their jackets and make their way out of the house after they let Joe know they'd be out for awhile.

Barry slowly and quietly walks next to Iris for a while before finally speaking. "Was it a bad idea? I mean me telling you?" He asks glancing over at Iris. Iris shoves her hands in her jacket pocket and sighed a little. "No of course not. I meant what I said Barry. I guess I just wasn't sure how to approach it.." Barry smiled a little. "I understand. I guess I was feeling the same way. I mean. I know we've both been on dates before. But in a way this is different..."

After they had continued talking and visiting, Iris had suggested to go to Jitters. "I'll pay for the coffee." He smiled as they headed towards the counter. "Oh you don't have to.. It was my suggestion." She smiled. Barry hesitates a few minutes not liking the idea, but knew it would be pointless to argue with Iris. Once they had their coffees paid for the two of them sat down at an empty table to chat.

Glancing down at his watch, Barry sighed a little. "I guess we better be getting back to the house. Joe might be getting to wonder where we are." He grinned a little. Iris laughed. "I'm sure he knows we are perfectly fine. And that I am fine. I'm with you after all.." Barry smiled a bit then stood up extending his hand to help Iris.

Once Iris got up the two of them headed back towards the house. "In spite of what it may seem. I am excited for Friday." She smiled as they reached the door. Barry turned to face her giving a smile in return. "Me too." He was about to lean in to give Iris a kiss when they heard the sound of the door open and he quickly pulled back. "Oh there you two are!" Joe exclaimed with a small grin on his face. He cleared his throat a bit seeing a small glare coming from Barry. "I was um. Just about to head into the office."

"Is everything alright? Did something come up on the case?" Barry asked. "Yeah everything is fine. They're just down an officer so they asked if I could come in." He grinned a little. "You two enjoy the evening now.." Joe smirks a little and heads to the car and takes off.

Iris rolled her eyes then reached for the doorknob opening the door for them to walk back inside. "Do you think he knows?" Barry whispers as he steps in following Iris. Iris turns her head slightly to glance at Barry. "Why are you whispering? He's already left." Barry cleared his throat a little. "Oh yeah. Right.." "I think dad has known even before we have.. It's getting late. I think I might turn in." Barry glances at Iris watching her closely. "Goodnight Iris." She smiles a little then steps close to him wrapping her arms around his neck. "Goodnight Barry." She says quietly leaning in to give him a kiss. Barry wraps his arms around Iris returning the kiss, pulling away after a couple of seconds. "Goodnight Iris.." He whispered. He watches her head upstairs to go to bed.

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