Chapter 2: Distracted

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It had been a few weeks since the murder in the town.  Some of the residents were stirring and getting restless.  It had been about ten to fifteen years since the last murder. Which of course was Nora Allen.  But the one who was on edge the most was of course Barry himself.  Seeing how similar the murder was to his mother's, the more he wanted to find out who.  He assumed if he found out who killed this resident, he would be able to find out who killed his mother.

Once again, Iris had found Barry in the lab knee deep in papers.  She makes her way over to Barry's desk and gently places her hand over his.  Not hearing iris coming into the office, Barry jolted up in surprise.  "Iris!  I didn't hear you come in!"  Iris watches Barry closely before saying anything.  "Come on."  She let go of his hand and extended hers for him to take.

Barry continues to look at her seeming somewhat confused.  "Where are we going?  Iris.  I have a case I need to keep working on."  "I know you do..  And you will have plenty of time to continue working after I bring you back.  This won't take long.  I promise."  She smiled a little.  Barry took a deep breath.  He didn't want to leave the work when he thought he was getting so close.

Barry glances out the window as she continues to drive and grins a little as he realizes where she was heading to.  "Are you sure that is a good idea West?  Remember what happened last time we were here?"  She lets out a small laugh.  "Oh.  I remember very well.  I figured it's about time I get that rematch."  Barry smirked a little starting to loosen up a bit.  "You can sure try Iris."  He winked a little.  "Oh it's on Allen."  She smirked back as they got out of the car and headed into the bowling alley.

After the game was finished, Barry looked over at Iris with a smirk. "Okay.  Go ahead.  Rub it in.." Iris laughs and gives Barry a small nudge.  "Now why would I do such a thing like that?"  Barry let out a small laugh.  Iris glances over at him.  "I can take you back to the office if you'd like?  If you wanted to get back to working?"

Barry let out a small sigh. "No.  Tonight I think I'll hang out with you."  He smiled.  "I know I've been blocking everything out that I shouldn't let this case get to me..  Why don't we head back to the house and have one of our old tradition movie nights?"  Iris smiled back a little.  "I think I would like that."  She follows Barry back out to the car and gets in to drive them back to the house.

As they walked in the door, Iris glanced over at Barry.  "Are you sure you're alright?"  She asked.  "I'll be fine Iris.  What movie did you have in mind?"  He asked hoping to get Iris' mind off the case.  He knew perhaps he should tell her at some point.  But not tonight.

Iris thinks a few minutes before she responds. "What about the Bodyguard?"  She grinned a little.  Barry laughed.  "Didn't we watch that last time?"  "Well yes.  But it has been awhile since we watched it."  Iris grinned.  "You've been busy."  "Alright.  Alright.  But only because you requested it."  Barry goes to get the movie set up while Iris sits on the couch to wait for the movie.

Once Barry got the movie set, he walks over to the couch to watch the movie with Iris.  He glances over from her time to time as they watch the movie, hesitating whether to tell her what he had wanted to, since he was practically a kid.

Barry takes a deep breath deciding to find out.  At least if he knew, either way, he could move on.  "Iris..  There is something.. I've been wanting to tell you. And I've been wanting to tell you for a while."  He still hesitates whether he should continue or make something up as he watches her turn to face him. Realizing he had no choice, Barry pauses the movie so he could talk with her.

"Barry what is it?"  She asked looking at him with almost a worried look. "Iris..  I love you."  He said quietly looking to see what her reaction would be.  Iris smiled a little wrapping her arms around him to give him a hug.  "Awe, I love you too Barry."  "No Iris. You don't understand..I loved you before I even knew what love was.."  He said slowly pulling her back to get a better look at her.  Iris takes a deep breath as she listens to Barry.. "Oh..."  She said unsure what to say at first...  Barry gives a small nod hoping Iris would say something more.  She gently placed her hand over his looking at him.  "I love you too Barry."  Hearing the words he gave a small smile.  "I've wanted to tell you sooner.  I should of told you sooner but..."  Barry began to ramble but was suddenly cut off as Iris slowly leaned in, wrapping her arms around Barry's neck to give him a kiss.  Barry smiled a little, then slowly returned the kiss before pulling away.  "I've wanted to tell you too."  Iris said a bit quietly.  "But I wasn't sure how you felt..."

Barry smiled hearing Iris' response.  "I was worried what you would say."  He admitted.  Iris smiled back.  "I guess we both were.  Shall we finish the movie?"  She asked.  Barry reached for the remote to press play again.  Iris scoots close to Barry as he presses play leaning her head against his shoulder.  Barry wraps his arm around her as they continue to finish the movie.

Noticing that Iris had fallen asleep, Barry gently removed his arm from underneath Iris then gently props her up on the couch in a laying position.  He goes to grab a blanket and pillow placing the pillow under her head and the blanket over her before heading upstairs to his own room to fall asleep.

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