your personal superman; part one

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you thought it was merely an angel, carrying you out of the burning building. The smoke was dense and the smell of smoke and of burning filled the air around you. The only thing you could focus on was a voice. A comforting, safe-like voice. it kept repeating to you,

"just hang in there, you're ok now."

it was familiar, you knew that. But from where?

The voice had to belong to someone, and you could feel it's arms carrying you. They were strong, yet gentle. that's the only things you remembered.


you panicked as soon as you came to.

of course the white lights didn't help, and neither did the continual beeping sound. you looked down, eyeing the tubes coming out of your wrists, not really knowing what they were for.

this was your first time in a hospital for an injury or sickness, so you had no knowledge of what it was or what it did.

"y/n? are you awake?"

the voice. that was the voice. Wait; where had you heard it? you looked over to see someone unexpected. you didn't know him, but you recognized him. he went to your school, but hadn't spoken to you probably because well, he never noticed you. you had your insecurities, and your self-esteem wasn't high.

you tried to sit up, but your aching body stopped you. why were you sore? You had only suffered from– wait. What happened?

"w-what happened?" you asked groggily, rubbing your eyes, exhausted from whatever had happened.

He sighs heavily, closing his eyes for a moment. "Some idiot put aluminum foil in the microwave during lunch yesterday. It set the whole cafeteria on fire. So everyone had to evacuate."

You were stunned. With tears in your eyes, you asked "did everyone make it out?"

He stands, and sits on the side of the bed.


That crushed you. It could've been your best friend, y/bff/n. You wouldn't be able to go along without them, they were your world.

He grasps your hand and gives a soothing smile, and rubs his thumb on your knuckle.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

You cleared your throat and recomposed yourself.

"S-so who saved me?"

He smiled

"I did."

imagines: tobias eatonWhere stories live. Discover now