You Can't Come

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That night, we ate ice cream sitting together. It almost felt normal, like I wasn't an outsider and he wasn't the Alpha of this pack or my boss. Hell, if dad wasn't the way he was, he might even freaking approve. But deep down, I knew he would never approve of Austin . Dad didn't want me to go through what he did with mom. I don't know if dad is seat against Cody having a mate as much as me and if he wasn't dead set against it, then I don't understand dad. If he didn't want me to go through heart brake, knowing there is a chance of my mate being taken from me--like mom was from him--wouldn't he be set against Cody having his mate as well?

Or was I just a different case, because I seen mom killed before my own eyes?

Austin rubs my ankle, taking me out of my thoughts. "Hey, do you want to go rock climbing this weekned?" He asks, with some ice cream slidding down the side of his mouth.

Taking my finger, I catch it before it can fall compleatly off his chin and stick my finger in my mouth. I can't help but notice the hunger in his eye's, when he sees me do that. "Already have plans,"

"Cancle them,"

"Nope, they have been set for some time now and I'm not cancling them or changing them."

"Then I want to come," he tell's me.

Putting my empty bowl down on the small table in front of the sofa, I pull down the blanket on the back of the sofa and cover my upper half of my body and relax into the big pillow behind me. "You can't, you have a pack to run and outsiders aren't allowed to come anyways." Which wasn't true, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

He puts his bowl down next to mine and looks at me. "Where exactly are you going?"

"Can't tell you that either,"

He moves, so my legs aren't on his lap anymore. Instead he is halfway laying on me; with his arms brasing himself up so he can look at me. "Does this have to deal with your pack?"

"Don't say that, like it's something bad you ate."

"I would just feel better if I knew where it was so I won't worry to much."

I see a flash back into my past. My dad patting me on the head, as we stand on the floor of one of the highest buildings. In the war to destroy wolves with no packs, the people that were after our people destoried many cities, just to destory a few. The place my rouge pack was, was in fact in one of the many hand full of cities that was just destoried to kill the rouge's. But no one was allowed to know which city it was. Last time I had been home, it was almost all but compleated and soon would be back to the way it had once been. But the lives, that had been taken that day and all the other days, just to destory the rouge's would never be rebuilt.

Austin fingers brush against my chin, making me look up at him again. Taking me out of my thoughts of the past of the death and blood, only to be seen by a young child. "Did you hear me?" His eyes are full of worry.

Rubbing my face, I try to get my mind away from what I went through. "I'm going to go to bed," I tell him, before getting out from under him and head to my room.

Before I can get to far, he grabs on to my hand. "Nova, can I pleasae sleep in bed with you?"

Looking down at him, he's trying to give me the puppy dog eye's. But I could see the lust among all of that and his wolf wanting to claim myself and my wolf. "No," leaning down, I kiss his lips quickly and rush to my room throwing the rush of want his lips alone did to my insides. "Goodnight."

Pov: Austin

Why couldn't I just spend the weekend with her? What was so much more important then to be around me? I mean yes, we see one another at work all the time. But I wanted to be with her all the time? Didn't she feel the same? Of course she feel's the same you ideate. But we can't jump the gun..again.

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