Heals and Boots

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My alarm goes off. I don't know why I set it, I haven't slept since I got back home. Turning it off, I grown and turn on my side away from the window. I should call in sick to work today. I think to myself.

You know, he'll just show up and say he'll take care of you. Then try to take you back to that house and to that room. My wolf snarls out in my head.

I hated that room. I hated my mate for doing that to me. I mean, I've done things in my past, that I'm not proud of. But I was still a vergion. Dad made it clear, that no man was allowed to take my V card unless he was my mate. He was so scared that Caid was going to take that from me, that dad almost killed him. I was able to calm dad down, by telling him we wouldn't go that far and we never have.

Unlike my mate, who didn't wait for me. My wolf whimpers at the thoat of that. We hate him for what he has done, but it doesn't make the pain lesson. We were tuff and hard headed, but when something got to us, it really got to us.

Sitting up, I rub my face and groan. "I don't want to go," I say out load, but I get out of bed any ways and head to the closet and get dressed. Then slip on some six inch black heals that go with my black suite skirt outfit. When I move to the bathroom, I brush out my hair and then curl it.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel a little better. But not by much. We need to make the score even.

"How do you plan on us doing that?" I ask my wolf, as I grab my car keys and leave my apartmeant and head to my car on the first floor parking lot.

Let's go to a club and dance.

There no knowing if he would go.

Let me take over and I'll show you.

Getting in my car, I start it up and drive to work. "What do you plan on doing? You don't like the idea of him being our mate, because of those three sluts-"

Don't forget, he killed one to save us. She points out. He's in my good graces for killing that one. Though I am still pissed off, that he let those other two live. He just needs a taste of his own med's. She tells me.

"Do you promise, we won't end up in his lap making out?" I ask her, as I pull down the street where the office is.

I promise.

Parking the car, I lean back against my seat and close my eyes. Soon my wolf takes over. She gets out of the car, walks into the building and into the elvatore. So what do you plan on doing?

I'm going to Google, where a night club is in this small city; print out everything and just happen to drop the flier down on the floor leaving his office. Becuase you know, he'll want to talk to us.

He'll notice you took over though, don't you think?

Fine, then you can talk to him. Then when that is done, when your back is to him; I'll take over and slip that peace of paper on the floor.


The elvatore doors open, then we walk out. Mr. Green office doors are open. He is sitting at his desk, wearing a silver suite. He's facing his computer, but her looks our way soon as we walk out of the elvatore. He pushes away from his desk and walks to me, in the midle of the office. That still only has his desk behind those double doors and then mine out side his glass walls. "Your moving into my office today with me," he tells me straight off.

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