The Man is a Beast Part 2

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Pov: Nova

The darkest part of my mind, is like the land I run on. I know this part of my mind so well, that if I'm not careful, I could slip completely into that part of my mind.

Finally free from the walls that keep my captured for so long, I stand for a few minutes shaking badly. I was still weak and my fur coat was caked in blood of those I fought.

I wanted to lay down and rest, but there is no time for that. I had to find everyone, so I charge forward, to the sounds of the battle that is ragging on.

Pov: Austin

I could smell her. Her smell was faint, but I could smell her.

Pressing on, hardly anyone challenged me, as they were behind me fighting my pack and the rogue pack. We had the numbers and the means to kill if we must.

A large tan wolf jumps out me. He was my size, he was no doubt the Alpha--Nova grandfather. The man that took her mother away from her and the man, that made the life of so many a living hell.

Snarling at him, he snarls back and lunges for me. When he's in mid air, the scars a cross the right side of his nose, didn't pass my notice. Someone, a long time ago, tried to rip his nose off his face and kill him. But who?

Dodging him, I latch on to his left leg and throw him. His body hits hard against the ground.

Shifting back into a man, I can feel my wolf wanting to take over and kill him. But I had to find where Nova was. Going to the old wolf, I grab him by the throat, as his eyes shift to me. "Where is she! Where is my mate!" I roar out in a command.

In the distance I hear someone running and that has me distracted long enough, for him to get out of my hold and clam down on my right arm.
I howl out in pain, then with my arm still in his arm, he tosses me like I was nothing to him. Just a pup in the way.

He gets up on his feet only to be tackled by another wolf. This one I knew. She was covered in blood, but I knew it was her.

Getting up, I hold my limp arm as blood rushes down it, from my injury. My arm was broken, it would take days to heal.

Nova is thrown off the old wolf and is sent into a large rock. On impact I hear many of her bones crack. But she struggled to stand up only to fall down, clearly in pain.

The old wolf shifts back into a man and I know him right away. I had met him when I was a boy, he had come to talk to my dad about the rogues and to eliminate them. Just because, his daughter got mated to a rogue and rather her dead then to be with her rogue mate. Then I think the day, of that old man that came to my office with his kids. In the back of my head, I knew something was off about him staring at Nova. But what was his goal in all of this? He had the slightest smell of this old wolf on him. But why?

Slowly moving forward, I keep an eye on the old wolf and my mate. "Your stronger then I thought. But I have a feeling that someone warned you about the silver in the food and in the middle of the night. That son of mine, is just like his sister. Weak hearted and have no bake bone. That's why, he will never become the next Alpha of my pack." She growls lowly in her throat, showing her teeth. "You and your mate," he glances over his shoulder at me, then looks back at her. "Will die tonight. But think me, doing you a favor Nova I'll be sending you to your mother, where you can rot in he-"

Nova dad comes out of no where, tackling the old man to the ground. He soon shifts and they start to fight. His fur had more blood then the rest of us. He had a crazed look in his eye's. He wasn't the Alpha of a pack right now, I could see that much in those eyes of his. He was a father after revenge for someone taking the mother of his children away. He was a broken hearted husband, that had lost the love of his wife. And part of his soul was ripped away from him, after his mate's death.

Nova shifted back into a human. She screams in every shift her bones take. Quickly I get around the two wolves to get to her. "Nova how many bones are broken?" I glance at her naked body, when I lower myself and see many of her bones twisted wrong.

Her pail face moves to look at me. "I don't know..." she groans in pain. "It feels like I had to much to drink." She tells me, digging her fingers into her bloody blond hair.

All of the sudden her head snaps up and so do I. The old wolf had her dad, in a hold that very well could kill him. Without thinking, I move fast and before her dad could great death door, I tackle the old wolf on the ground.

Her dad then shifts and matches over to the old Alpha. "Shift!" He roared out.

The old wolf shifted. "Oh this almost makes me feel nostalgic seeing the man I hate most in the world." He shows Nova dad his sharp teeth. "I remember the day I killed many of your family and then my own daughter." He glance over at Nova, as she stays laying down, clearly in pain. "Though I was aiming for the girl." Nova dad pushes the old Alpha into the ground with so much force, that the ground under his head cracked. But that didn't stop him from talking. "She almost looks completely like her mother, I can see why you kept her from the world as much as you could. But she does have that rogue soul and mind, she clearly gets from you."

He snarls down at the old Alpha. "I'm going to ask this only once." He shows his fangs and I can see the crazed wolf in him, wanting to kill him. "Where is my wife body?"

"To make my point clear of how much I hate you and your family." He glances yet at Nova, trying to drag herself closer, but she can hardly even do that.

Quickly I go to her and scoop her up in my good arm and take her over to them, but keep a good distance, in case the old Alpha got old of the hold and tried to attack.

The old Alpha looks back at Nova dad, with a sickening smirk. "I froze her body, where she will never rot. But forever will be trapped. Because you see, I love my daughter even after she picked you, over the man I picked out myself. So think it as a gift, her corps never falling apart." Then he even started laughing.

"Where is my mother!" Nova doesn't asks, but demands through her sharp teeth, snarling.

The old Alpha looks back at her. "I owe you nothing you are not of my blood. You disgusting rogue!" He roars out and this time he does try to get free, only to come after Nova.

Nova eyes shift to her dad and I look to, his wolf had taken control of his body. But still he was a caring father, even at this point. "Nova, you know that I can't let him live and you know that if you don't leave now, you'll see what sort of monster I am." He then looks up at us, his eyes totally blacked out. "Remember this boy, I am an Alpha and father. If you dare hurt my daughter heart, I'll show you what sort of monster I am and will kill you. Now get her out of here."

I waist no time and quickly leave. In the distance we hear bones braking, a man screaming in pain. Then there nothing for a few seconds, only of a deep howl reach the sky. Soon others follow suite.

Nova looks up at me, her eye's dropping from the pain. She would heal, but right now she drained. "The man that killed my mother is dead." She whispers.

"You all are safe." I tell her as I walk forward, with still howls lifting to the sky that is starting to light up with the morning sun

"Don't say that until, we are sure there no more danger." She then lifts her head and howls in her human form. Her howl is sad, no doubt for her mother and still not knowing where she is.

She howls until she falls asleep.

Pov: Nova

That night goes over and over in my head. The image of my dad wolf talking to me, like he did, makes a scratchy feeling in my head. Like your scratching at paint, to see what's behind it and see what color was behind it.

What was behind it? Was there something I was missing from my past? Those questions always send me to sleep.


This isn't the last chapter, so don't worry. :-)

Ps. The reason I split the chapters, to show how strong the two men were in their own way. To protect the one person they share in common.

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