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Requested by: klaine_0608

Summary: Hey I was wondering if you could do one where Sebastian goes to the Lima Bean, sees Kurt and Blaine talking and gets jealous. Then later on confronts Kurt to later find out they were talking about a surprise party Kurt wanted to throw for Sebastian. Sorry if it's long.

Sebastian kicked a pebble as he stepped out of his car. His feet skidded the asphalt as he walked inside of the coffee shop.

The little bell on the door rings as he walks through it. He walks up to the counter to order his usual coffee order.

He goes to sit down at a table when he sees Kurt, his boyfriend, talking to annoying little hobbit, Blaine Anderson.

It really sets Sebastian off when he sees Kurt and Blaine talking and laughing. Together.

When they call his name, Kurt and Blaine are still busy talking. Sebastian grabs his coffee and walks out.

He walks back to his car and drives away, trying to calm down. Jealousy does not look good on him. Or so he says.

The next day, after school, Sebastian drives to McKinley. He wants to have a talk with Kurt.

The 2 hour drive felt like a 2 year long drive to Sebastian. Is there an easier way to get to McKinley?

He finally arrives at McKinley. He was anxious to talk with Kurt. He started wondering if Kurt was cheating on him.

With Blaine. Is he? No, Kurt wouldn't do that. But is he? Sebastian shouldn't be thinking this but he just can't help it.

He knocks on the choir room door. Ok, sure, the door was open but he wanted to make himself noticed.

The glee members looked at him.

"Can I talk to you, Kurt?" He asked shyly. Kurt nodded. He got out of his seat and walked with Sebastian out in the hallway.

"What did you want to talk about, Bas?" Kurt asked, concern taking over his face once he saw the nervous look on his face.

"Are you cheating on me?" Sebastian asked shakily. Sebastian always worried if he though someone was cheating on him.

"What? No," Kurt said. "Whay would you think that?" Sebastian thought of the day at the Lima Bean.

"I saw you with Blaine at the Lima Bean talking and laughing with each other. I just assumed you were. Sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine, Seb. Did you want to know the real reason?" Kurt had to ask. Sebastian nodded.

"Blaine and I were thinking about making a surprise party for you." Kurt said but it wasn't Sebastian birthday until next week.

"But it's not birthday until next week." Sebastian protested. He was totally confused.

"I know but I won't be here the week of your birthday. I'm going to visit some family in Maryland."

"Oh..." Sebastian said.

On the day of his birthday, Sebastian was at his house doing nothing but being bored. Finn called him a minute later.

He asked if Sebastian could come over for his birthday. Sebastian wanted to. He was so bored.

He got dressed, he didn't want to show up in sweats, and left his house. He drove to the Hudson-Hummel's.

Sebastian knocked on the door. No answer. He noticed the door was unlocked and entered. The room was dark.

"SURPRISE!" New Directions and Warblers popped out and said. They gave him a heart attack.

"Happy 18th Birthday, babe." Kurt gave him a kiss on the lips. Sebastian didn't understand.

He thought Kurt was visiting family. "I though you were visiting family." He said. "Lied. I was planning the party for you."

Sebastian spent the rest of his 18th birthday with the people he loved, and awesome birthday cake Kurt made him.

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