Chapter 13

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I already had most of the fight played out in my mind. Men like these are so dumb. Most of them use the same moves. So I'm used to it. I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for the first guy to throw a punch at me. Before I knew it, Saizo already knocked them out.

"Oh come on! You-" Saizo cut me off by taking and throwing me over his shoulders, then broke into a run.

It only seems that he ran for a few minutes, but he ran for miles before he put me down.

"You annoying girl! Why must you cause so much trouble?!" Recovering from the shock of how far we went, I yelled, "Screw you too! I was planning on beating the crap out of those b******s, but no! You had to take all the fun." Before I knew it, Saizo was walking away.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going?"

"To Iga. Away from you."

"Wait! I'm not an 'awesome' so SLOW DOWN!" I was already running to catch up so Saizo started to walk faster.

"That b*******!" I muttered. At one point, I stopped because the next thing I knew, I'm on the ground.

~~~~~~Saizo's PoV~~~~~

It was kind of fun watching her run to catch up to me. We were already close to Hanzo's place so we could have stopped for a while. Then she fainted.

"Oh, well. It was good while it lasted," I said coming next to her. Besides being covered in sweat, Kyrie looks so peaceful. I wonder if she's always like this. She's so different from the other girls. The others would pamper me unlike this creature, who causes a racket and thinking a fight is fun.

I carried her the rest of the way. When I first picked her up, she stirred and snugged up to me. It looked so cute. I could use this against her later.

"Saizo! Welcome. What happened to her?" Hanzo asked when I got there.

"Nothing big. She just fainted."


"She got tired."

"Just take her to her room. The princess wouldn't be happy if she is unwell."

"Of course." I went her room and laid her down. I was about to slid the door back before I heard her whisper, "Saizo you idiot."

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