Chapter 2

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To say first and probably for the rest of the chapters, I do not own Shall We Date; ninja love in any way. Part of the plot and only my oc's are mine. The rest belongs to Shall We Date!

First Kyrie opened her eyes and found herself tied up.

"Goemon, you were suppose to bring the princess only," a man with blue hair said.

"Sorry. That other one followed," replied the redhead now known as Goemon.

"Wow! So the greatest ninja of Iga can let a normal girl trail him without his knowledge," said the man with orange hair and 3 scars going vertically down his face.

"Well, I'm sorry that all the girls come to me and not to you," Goemon replied glaring. The other guy glared right back. During the mist of that, Miyako woke up, took in her surroundings, and decided to open her mouth. "Hey you freaking a**holes. Do me a favor and untie me!" she yelled.

"Wow! Doesn't our little princess has quite a mouth," the orange haired guy said while the others chuckled.

"Are you a**holes ignoring me?" Miyako muttered under her breath.

"So our princess doesn't want to be ignored huh?'' Goemon said. 

"First, I am not a princess. Second, I am only asking you buttfaces to untie me."

"Why is she tied up anyway?" asked a man with midnight blue hair.

"She shouldn't be tied up," said a man with snowy white hair.

"She would probably would run away" Goemon replied.

"Not if you explained what is going on," Miyako said. Miyako and the others argued over that issue over the next few minutes, all while Kyrie was squeezing out of her ropes and was about to grab the katana at the top end of the room. The room they were in consisted of typical Japanese tatami mats, sliding doors and the katana at the top end of the room of course.

"Hey! The other girl is trying to get a weapon!" yelled the orange hair guy.

"Crap," was all Kyrie muttered as she ran to the katana. She ran to get it and once she got a hold on it, rapidly turned around, and unsheathed it. After taking the weight of the Japanese sword and took it into both hands, did quick,  random swipes with the katana making the men back away to avoid getting cut. She made perfecting timing as to get to Miyako's side, manged to cut her ropes, and broke into a run. They manged to get out the door before a chain wrapped around Kyrie's wrist, and someone grabbed Miyako away. The chain around Kyrie's wrist pulled her back, turned her around and was note with cold, piercing eyes with a sickle at her neck.


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