Chapter XIII ~ One Day More

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Somewhere in the city of Paris, Jean Valjean and Cosette sat on either side of the carriage,
apart, staring out of their respective windows.
Valjean started, "One day more!
Another day, another destiny. This never-ending road to Calvary.
These men who seem to know my crime
Will surely come a second time - One day more

In front of the empty house where Éponine had told Marius was where Cosette lived, the boy sighed, "I did not live until today... How can I live when we are parted? Tomorrow you'll be worlds away... And yet with you my world has started."

Éponine was at the gate of the empty Rue Plumet home, gazing longingly at Marius who was in the dark garden.
"One more day all on my own... One more day with him not
caring... What a life I might have known...
" Éponine cried, "But he never saw me there."

Two weeks had passed since the wedding, and Lamarque's funeral was tomorrow. The men in the back room of the Café Musain were as busy as ever. Enjolras and the students had a production line underway for making bullets. The rifles were being stacked and getting ready for the uprising. Elise helped out, wearing one of Enjolras' clothing, since it provided more ease of movement than one of her dresses, and she rather preferred wearing it even though it was a bit loose. She hadn't even worn a corset since her wedding day.

Tomorrow was the day. Madame Hucheloup, the proprietress of the Café Musain was busy sewing a red revolutionary flag for the students.
"One more day before the storm! At the barricades of freedom!" Enjolras shouted over the noise in the Musain. "When our ranks begin to form will you take your place with me?"

The time is now
The day is here
One day more!

Joly was rushing about the Café with a tray and was collecting empty tankards. He started to melt the tankards in a pot
to make more bullets. Marius entered the Café and took the red flag that Madam Hucheloup had just finished and hurried upstairs to the room in the Café.

One day to a new beginning!
Raise the flag of freedom high!
Every man will be a king! Every man will be a king! There's a new world for the winning!
There's a new world to be won!
Do you hear the people sing?

"My place is here! I fight with you!" announced Marius as Enjolras, Elise, and the rest of the students turned over to him. Enjolras smiled at Marius, glad that he had lost his silly crush and decided to join him.

Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God in heaven has in store -
One more dawn!
One more day!
One day more!


Elise and Enjolras walked back to the Rousseau home late at night when he boys decided to stop and get some rest. There was a feeling of tension yet hope in the air, and they all felt it. It was all so near but it seemed surreal and hard to believe for Elise. Tomorrow was the day when all would be decided. Tomorrow might be either their beginning or their end.
As the two lovers entered the Rousseau home, and prepared to rest, they were both absorbed by a silence that only happened when they were both in deep thought. Enjolras was obviously preparing for things that needed to be done tomorrow when it all happened and the barricade would arise.

Elise, who was indeed a little nervous, thought of all the good or bad things that could happen the next day as she lay in bed, trying to sleep, but slumber never came to her. Countless ideas about how it could all go wrong flooded into her mind and, try as she may to replace it with positive thoughts, she couldn't help worrying. What if something happened to her friends? What if Eponine, her dear friend, got hurt? What if Gavroche, who was so young, got shot? But worst of all, she worried about Enjolras. She wouldn't be able to bear it if something happened to him.

I sense there's something in the wind

It seems like tragedy's at hand

And though I'd like to stand by him

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just around the bend...

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by Enjolras wrapping his arms around her. She was so enveloped in her thoughts that she didn't hear him come in.
"Enjolras," breathed Elise, barely audible in the pressing darkness. She usually strove to maintain a strong image, but she now felt weak. "I'm scared."

Enjolras shifted closer to her, their bodies molding together as there was a short silence where only their perpetual breaths were audible. "Why, ma cherie? It is our moment."

Elise's hazel eyes locked with his deep ocean blue ones. "I just want freedom. A world with equality. But... God knows what might happen... Would it be worth losing our lives? What if... what if we fail?" she whispered, her voice quivering.
"Elise, I am prepared to willingly sacrifice myself for the cause." Enjolras said gravely.

"If you're going to die, let me fight and I will hope that I will die too."

"You think you die and that's that? You think you die and everything will be fine?" Enjolras said, his tone sounding a bit harsh.

"What do you want from me? If I can't live or die, what do you want me to do?" Elise said, getting desperate. "You have got to let me go."

Enjolras sighed, embracing Elise gently. "But you see, I won't allow that to happen."

"But you said you needed more men on the barricade since we're going to be outnumbered." Elise protested.

"Exactly. Men." murmured Enjolras. "I don't care if something happens to me as long as you are okay."

"But," Elise said desperately, with a pleading look in her eyes. "You can't just leave me here in the dark and clueless. At least let me stay inside the Cafe... I'll have my revolver just in case."

There was a pause as Enjolras comprehended the situation. He would feel better if Elise was near him... "Fine. But I forbid you from getting onto the barricade itself. You have to stay on our side of it. And I'll try not to get killed. For you."

Elise sighed in relief. At least she wouldn't be too far...

"Besides," the blonde added, "I know you're a strong young woman capable of defending yourself if the need arises."

Elise giggled, "I'd have thought it was because I said I'd carry my revolver."

"Well, that too," Enjolras chuckled before kissing her softly. "We should rest. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a tough day."

Elise nodded and rested her head against Enjolras' chest. Her fears and worries were now gone thanks to his comforting words. They soon both drifted into a deep slumber as the last day ended.

(( Don't kill me for the Nightmare Before Christmas reference. Sally's Song just fits Elise's feelings perfectly I cannot even--

I'm not gonna lie, I tried putting off the rebellion as much as I could but I decided just to move on to it. Anyways, I'm deciding on whether I should make another Les Mis fanfiction, so please comment the character you want to see in it and I'll choose one of them. *sigh* Dammit, we're gonna be crying soon. Anyways, don't forget to comment, it'll only take 0.967 seconds and it'll motivate me to update quickly :) Ciao! ))

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